About the CVCL

Centre for Volunteering and Community Leadership

Our Centre for Volunteering and Community Leadership (CVCL) was founded in 1999. Its purpose was to deliver the government's Millennium Volunteers Programme.

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Since then, the CVCL has developed a substantial portfolio of projects across the globe. This includes volunteering, mentoring and community engagement opportunities. We've supported over 21,000 students and local young people through volunteering and social action. We've also contributed over £11,000,000 worth of volunteer time to the local community. 

Our mission: engage, empower and enable

The CVCL's mission is to engage, empower and enable students to volunteer in their local community. We achieve this by helping them to lead innovative and ground-breaking projects. These raise aspirations and drive positive change through research-informed social action and knowledge exchange.

The CVCL has been at the cutting edge of youth led community cohesion, peer leadership and community mentoring. We have featured as best practice in many national and international publications. This includes:

The work we do

Our success is due in foremost to excellent working partnerships with the voluntary, community, and faith sector. We have a partnership network of over 500 community centred organisations in Lancashire, across the country and all over the world.

Our strategy is focused on helping build communities locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. We help them take action on issues that matter most to them. This is through effective peer leadership and problem posing peer education models.

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