Inclusive spaces

Equality, diversity and inclusion

We aim to create physical social spaces to be inclusive to everyone and meet the needs of our staff and students.

We have rooms and spaces to accommodate different groups and recognise everyone's identities and needs.

Prayer and faith facilities

Our campuses have rooms and facilities available for prayer and other faith-related needs.

Preston Campus

The Oasis Faith and Spirituality Centre is our bespoke, purpose-built multi-faith centre, located in the heart of our Preston campus. The centre offers unconditional welcome and support to those of all faiths, or none.

Inclusive campus community

We value our richly diverse community and we take seriously our responsibility to provide a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment, find out more about our inclusive campus .

Inclusive campus community

Family rooms

We promote a breastfeeding friendly environment. To support our staff, students and visitors we offer three family rooms at our Preston Campus.

Rooms are available to use when buildings are open. If you would like more advice about our facilities, please contact our teams below:

Parenting Room

Location: Darwin Building-  Room 265
Contact: Sarita Robinson 
Telephone: +44 (0)1772 894494

Breastfeeding and Expressing Room

Space for parents wanting to feed, express or change their babies.
Location: Eden building - Room 023

Room for breastfeeding

Ironworks - Room 032
Contact: Lois Thomas
Telephone: +44 (0)1772 893643
Please note this is not exclusively for breastfeeding and may double as a one-to-one facility from time to time.

Accessible toilets

You can find accessible toilets in buildings across our three campuses.

Preston Campus

For a more in-depth guide regarding our facilities at our Preston campus, you can view our AccessAble access guide for Preston.

For more information, you can view our Preston campus map.

Burnley Campus

To see a guide regarding our facilities at our Burnley campus, you can view our AccessAble access guide for Burnley.

Westlakes Campus

To see a guide regarding our facilities at our Westlakes campus, you can view our AccessAble access guide for Westlakes.

Rooms with hard of hearing systems