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BA (Hons)

International Business Communication with a Modern Foreign Language

3 years
September 2024
See individual language details

Gain knowledge of a Modern Foreign Language alongside building your professional communication skills. On our International Business Communication degree, you'll study intercultural competence, business and management. This course is a direct entry Year 3 top-up.

Why study with us

  • 1st
    in the North West for student satisfaction
    Complete University Guide (Business and Management Studies)
  • Experience business in action with staff and students from around the world. This course provides real-world simulations and case study opportunities.
  • Excellent selection of modules designed to complement your previous study in your country of origin. This course gives students who enter directly after completing a diploma in their home country a fast-track route to a British degree.
  • Take advantage of the fantastic facilities available, such as our Worldwise Learning Centre.

What you'll do

  • You’ll develop a specialist toolkit of communication competencies. From Intercultural Communication for Professional Purposes, Research Methods for Applied International Business Communication to Managing International Business and Trade.
  • Our English language provision is officially accredited by the British Council.
  • You’ll have the opportunity to mix with students and staff from a wide range of cultures and languages. Helping you develop the professional language and intercultural skills important for success.
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Thibaut tells us about his time studying International Business Communication


Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of our published course information. However, our programmes are subject to ongoing review and development. Changing circumstances may cause alteration to, or the cancellation of, courses. Changes may be necessary to comply with the requirements of accrediting bodies or revisions to subject benchmarks statements. As well as to keep courses updated and contemporary, or as a result of student feedback. We reserve the right to make variations if we consider such action to be necessary or in the best interests of students.

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View the course facilities


Studying this course in Hong Kong

At our Preston campus in the UK, we only offer this course as a top up/direct entry, allowing students to study Year 3 only. The full course is run in partnership with the School of Continuing and Professional Education (SCOPE) at City University in Hong Kong You are able to study years 1, 2 and 3 of this programme at SCOPE, Hong Kong.

Future careers

Our graduates have gone on to a whole range of different careers including:

  • Hospitality
  • Recruitment and Human Resources including Equality and Diversity
  • Business
  • Public Relations
  • Events Management
  • Tourism
  • Finance including Insurance
  • Marketing
  • Education including Teaching, TEFL / TESOL and Translation

This undergraduate course also prepares you for the MA in Intercultural Business Communication.

Fees and funding

Full-time£9,250 per year
Full-time£16,500 per year

Scholarships and bursaries

We have a wide range of bursaries, scholarships and funds available to help support you whilst studying with us.

Select your country to see eligibility information and how to apply by selecting more info on the cards below.


This course is based in the School of Psychology and Humanities

For information on possible changes to course information, see our essential and important course information

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