Year 3 medicine placements supervisor information

Medicine placements

A nine-week clinical module in year three focussing on general practice.

This placement focusses on the care of patients and populations in a primary care setting.

What is the structure of year three?

Introduction to Clinical Practice

Year three begins with Introduction to Clinical Practice (ICP) Week. During this week students will attend some induction sessions. These will be both on campus and in hospital. They'll have the chance to meet the year three staff.

Student selected component (SSC)

During the General Practice placement students will complete an SSC which includes a clinical audit.

Student selected component (SSC)

Weekly structure for general practice

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Clinical Placement Activity (CPA) Campus Day Self-directed learning (SDL)
Six half-day sessions timetabled flexibly across the seven day week (excluding campus days and teaching weeks). Tuesday Two half-day sessions timetabled flexibly across the seven day week (excluding campus days and teaching week).

Example timetable

Week one

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  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Welcome and Induction

Campus day all day

Meet and sit in with clinical pharmacist

Meet with audit supervisor to plan Home Study day
10:30-12:00 Spend time in admin/reception        
12:00-13:00 Lunch   Lunch Lunch  
13:00-14:00 Initial meeting with named GP supervisor   Practice meeting Home visits  
14:00-17:00 Emis training   Observe GP clinic Observe GP clinic  

Example timetable

Week two-eight

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  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Audit time

Campus day all day

Asthma clinic

Diabetes clinic Home Study day
10:30-12:00 HCA phlebotomy clinic        
12:00-13:00 Lunch   Lunch Lunch  
13:00-14:00 Home visits   Practice meeting Case presentation to FY1 or above  
PM GP clinic*   GP clinic GP clinic  

*GP clinic - allocate student one patient to take history from if possible.

Please note these are just examples to give some ideas. We know every practice works differently and the student is expected to do 6 sessions over the 4 days so working patterns may differ. 

Year three FAQs

Role of the supervisor

Supervision and meetings

As a supervisor your main role will be to oversee your student(s) progress during the module and provide feedback. Students will be given your name at induction in the introduction week and details of how to make contact.

Meeting forms

The clinical supervisor (or placement) e-forms are used to record the supervision meetings with your student. They must be completed by both the student (before) and their supervisor (during) each meeting. The completed e-form is then recorded in the student’s portfolio. The meetings should take place face to face whenever possible.

Student procedure for meetings

In advance of the meeting, the student will complete their part of the form on a Word template.

The student will upload the Word document to the e-form before the supervisor meeting.

Medicine placement FAQs