Student selected component (ssc)

Medicine placements

The student selected component (SSC) in year 3 involves a clinical audit. This year it will run during the 8 week General Practice placement.

Most students will wish to complete a primary care audit and we hope your practice will be able to support this. Our marking team will provide feedback on an audit proposal form and mark the final audit report.

Key information relating to SSC 3 :

  • Students can complete a clinical audit on any topic. There must be is a guideline from which audit criteria and standards can be generated. Consider having a list of suggested audit topics ready for the start of the placement or asking the student(s) to complete a specific audit.

Our support

  • Students have access to support from the SCC team via email, Teams or in person. 
  • We are available to supervisors via email and Teams, especially if a student is struggling or needs extra support.
  • Audit reports get shared with practices to support requirements for CQC and Quality Improvement.
  • We are happy to support students and practices to submit abstracts for conferences or publication. If two cycles are completed over two students, the students could work together on this, as it is not part of the assessment.
  • Practices will receive a certificate of participation in UCLan audit.

Thank you for supporting our students with SSC3.

SSC 3 suggested audits  

Below is a list of audits previously completed for SSC 3. Many are based on NICE guidance, some on other national or local guidelines. 

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Atrial fibrillation:

  • DOAC monitoring
  • CHA2DS2-VASc scoring
  • Bleeding risk assessment
  • Amiodarone monitoring 


  • Diagnosis in primary care
  • Assessment and management of stage 2 hypertension
  • Investigation of end organ damage 


  • High dose statin prescribing and monitoring post-MI
  • Titration of b-blockers and ACEi post-MI
  • Dual antiplatelet therapy

Heart failure:

  • Investigation of acute heart failure
  • Titration of b-blockers and ACEi/ARB in HFrEF
  • Eplenarone monitoring
  • Diagnosis of HFpEF



  • Medication for T2DMMonitoring of metformin and gliclazide
  • Annual review of patients with T2DM
  • Management of new diagnosis of T2DM
  • Monitoring of patients with T1DM
  • Management of pain in diabetic neuropathy
  • Management of diabetic nephropathy 

Thyroid disease:

  • Monitoring of carbimazole
  • Management of new diagnosis of hypothyroidism
  • Monitoring of hypothyroidism


  • Assessment of fracture risk
  • Assessment of bone health in premature menopause 


  • Management of Barrett’s oesophagus
  • Management of NAFLD
  • Eradication therapy for H pylori
  • Management of Coeliac disease




  • Management of exacerbations
  • Management following acute exacerbation
  • Annual review in primary care
  • Appropriate use of corticosteroids
  • Appropriate use of LTOT


  • Appropriate use of corticosteroids
  • Monitoring of asthma control
  • Smoking cessation advice
  • Recording of occupational health history



    • Triptan prescribing for headaches
    • Annual epilepsy review
    • Sodium valproate prescribing in women of child-bearing potential


Women’s health

  • Preconception counselling about folic acid
  • COC prescribing with respect to smoking
  • Follow-up of gestational diabetes
  • Follow-up after medical TOP
  • Post-natal follow-up in primary care
  • HRT monitoring


  • Management of gout
  • Monitoring of methotrexate

Health prevention / Public health:

  • Advice to patients with raised BMI
  • Cervical screening
  • Cervical screening in women with learning disability
  • Health checks for patients with learning disability


 Mental health

  • Lithium monitoring
  • Olanzapine monitoring
  • Physical health monitoring in patients with schizophrenia
  • Management of depression
  • Autistic spectrum pathway
  • Benzodiazepine prescribing 


Renal Medicine and Urology:

  • Use of KDIGO guidelines for classification of CK
  • Monitoring of patients with CKD
  • Diagnosis and management of UTI  

Elderly medicine:

  • Recording frailty
  • Annual dementia review
  • Adherence to Gold Standard Framework Guidelines for patients in the last year of life.  

Child health

  • Management of childhood eczema
  • Antibiotics for tonsillitis


  • Opioids for non-cancer pain
  • PPis for patients on long term antiplatelet medications
  • Monitoring of long-term tetracyclines