Research in Childbirth and Health Unit (REACH)

Institute for Relational Research (INTERRELATE)

The Research in Childbirth and Health group has a specific interest in understanding ‘what works well’, in the complex, real world of clinical practice and service organisation, especially where unexpectedly positive outcomes are achieved.


The key clinical focus is around the nature and outcomes of spontaneous physiological labour and birth. The group undertakes studies of complex interventions, using a wide range of methods, from ethnography to randomised trials, and from surveys to phenomenology.

Collaborators currently engaged in research projects with ReaCH include midwives, obstetricians, service users, nurses, complementary therapists, psychologists, statisticians, social scientists, sociologists, health economists, medical specialists, physiologists and biological scientists.

This mix provides an environment that allows for open discussion of research ideas across clinical and academic disciplines.

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