
Biomedical Evidence-based Transdisciplinary Health Research

The Neuro-oncology Research Group at UCLan was established in 2005, with the over-arching goal to improve diagnosis and treatment for brain tumour patients.

A number of multifaceted programmes of research have since been developed to integrate the basic, translational and clinical sciences. Projects are often multidisciplinary and collaborative in nature, incorporating expertise from the varied research disciplines encountered across the Faculty and our National and International collaborators. At present over twelve academics are active in the Brain Tumour Research at UCLan covering: medicinal chemistry, cell and molecular biology, genetics and epigenetics, metabolism, spectroscopy, pharmacokinetics, drug design, delivery and action, oligonucleotide research, imaging and modelling.

The strategic vision of the Neuro-oncology Research Group is to bring effective, safe and individualised novel therapeutics to brain tumour patients. The five corner stones of the group focus on: i) biomarker and therapeutic target discovery; ii) novel therapeutic development; iii) drug efficacy/ toxicity screening in in vitro and pre-clinical models iv) drug delivery and finally v) individualised drug therapy and clinical outcome.

UCLan, along with the Universities of Wolverhampton, Liverpool, Manchester and the Lancashire Teaching Hospitals, Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology and Walton Centre NHS Trusts, was a founding member of Brain Tumour North West; a strategic alliance designed to consolidate and exploit clinical and research-based brain tumour expertise within the region. The generosity of patients and supporting charities and strength of clinical support across BTNW has led to the development of a brain tumour tissue bank whereby researchers at UCLan can access valuable patient tumour tissue and blood samples for study.

Key achievements

The Neuro-oncology Research Group has a number of established research programmes, contributes significantly to the published scientific literature and society presentations and has a number of productive national and international collaborations.
