Please also tell us about any safety concerns you may have encountered while involved with medicine at UCLan. This includes patient safety concerns.
All event forms go to one of the Designated Officers (DOs) for review and triage and further action. Students, please see Blackboard for more information.
This Event Form can be completed by students and staff/educators. The information you provide will inform our actions around our medicine event form reporting system. Usually, in wellbeing concerns, the completed form will be forwarded by email to the Pastoral Tutors/PWS Tutors. They are part of the Wellbeing Team in the School. They will contact the person this form is about. The UCLan Wellbeing Team might also get informed.
You can tick the ‘confidential’ box to raise our awareness of the sensitive nature of the concern.
To protect patient safety, information might also have to be shared with NHS organisations. This will follow data sharing principles. Anyone we share information with is under the obligation to process such information securely and in accordance with the current data protection legislation.