YouCount has six objectives which are delivered through six work packages:
- Support Citizen Science and the social sciences by developing a conceptual and methodological framework for youth citizen social science YCSS (WP1)
- Implement hands-on citizen social science through a multiple case study of Y-CSS projects in nine countries across Europe (WP2)
- Develop new social science knowledge of social inclusion, including identifying major drivers for the social inclusion of youths and new/better social innovations/policy-making to co-create positive social change (WP3)
- Provide evidence of the costs and benefits of Y-CSS and the individual outcomes of Y-CSS from the multiple case study (WP4).
- Maximise the social impact of the project and contribute to youth policy and a model for innovative community actions and sustainable community engagement (WP3, 4 & 5).
- Maximise the scientific impact of the project by creating synergies with other Citizen Science projects and initiatives. Also by the coproduction and open science dissemination of a series of practical tools (practitioner handbooks, teaching modules, evaluation tools and science recommendation guidelines) based on cutting-edge and contextually rooted empirical research. (WP5, WP6)
Dr Julie Ridley leads WP2 and manages the UK case study. The local case is a place-based study of belonging and explores youth’s experiences and views of social inclusion in Preston. We are engaging with young people from across Preston as young citizen scientists (YCS) and young students at UCLan as co-researchers in the research team, and through using an App to map opportunities for social inclusion and to identify what supports social inclusion of young people in the City. In a ‘Living Lab’ with YCS and other stakeholders, we will work on ideas and solutions to increase inclusion. Youth involvement in YouCount is designed to increase citizenship, broaden science literacy and trust, and develop sustainable solutions to issues that young people identify.