ID-STROKE: Finding Stroke Causes to Prevent Recurrence

Around 80% of strokes are preventable. A third of stroke survivors remain without identification of the underlying cause (aetiology) of their stroke. Our research will help change this.

This research, led by Professor Dame Caroline Watkins and the Stroke Research Team, aims to gather evidence to support the development and rollout of a standard process to investigate stroke causes.


  1. Explore the complexities, challenges and barriers stroke specialist teams face when making clinical decisions about stroke aetiology.
  2. Assess the practicalities and feasibility of collecting clinical data for the investigation of stroke aetiology.
  3. Determine current pathways for investigation of stroke aetiology across North West stroke services.
  4. Explore the impact on stroke survivors and their carers/families on delay in investigation and living with an unknown stroke aetiology, including the arising needs from this experience.
  5. Synthesise findings from the new evidence into a proposed model for stroke aetiology investigation.


  • Improved understanding of people with stroke and their carers/families’ experiences of living with an unknown underlying cause for their stroke.
  • Description of current clinical practice for investigation of stroke aetiology in the North West of England.
  • Develop a new model to support clinical practice.


Professor Dame Caroline Watkins
Professor of Stroke and Older People Care
Dr Emma Bray
Senior Research Fellow
Dr Clare Gordon
Senior Research Fellow / Nurse Consultant
Dr Neil Wilson
Research Associate
Dr Clare Thetford
Senior Research Fellow