Effects of a home-based physical activity in Saudi Arabian type-2 diabetes mellitus patients

Applied Sport, Physical Activity and Performance

Given the high incidence of type-2 diabetes and the overall rate of physical inactivity among Saudi Arabian adults at 80.5%. A home-based physical activity may be the ideal solution to improve health.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is renowned for its high incidence of type-2 diabetes mellitus, with a prevalence rate of around 33%, which is expected to increase to 45.8% by 2030. Engagement in regular physical activity has been shown to significantly attenuate non-communicable diseases including type-2 diabetes.

However, the overall rate of physical inactivity among Saudi Arabian adults is currently 80.5%, owing to time pressures, high-density traffic, poor air quality, lack of suitable exercise places/sports facilities, lack of social/friends support, gender, cultural barriers, low self-confidence, lack of time and environmental factors.

Therefore, given high incidence of type-2 diabetes mellitus and the aforementioned barriers to physical activity in Saudi Arabia; a home-based physical activity may be an ideal solution.

This aim of this research project is to undertake a randomized control trial, examining the effects of a home-based physical activity intervention in Saudi Arabian adults with type-2 diabetes.

Home-based physical activity may be an ideal solution to the high incidence of type-2 diabetes in Saudi Arabia.
Home-based physical activity may be an ideal solution to the high incidence of type-2 diabetes in Saudi Arabia.

Primary goals and objectives

  • To improve disease management and quality of life in Saudi Arabian type-2 diabetes patients.

  • The findings from this trial will provide important clinical information regarding the non-pharmacological management of type-2 diabetes using home-based physical activity

Instructional home-based physical activity training videos