Safeguarding and Prevent training
We know it's important that all members of the UCLan community receive the appropriate level of safeguarding training. This may involve some or all of the training on this webpage.

Those with designated roles and responsibilities are provided with specialist safeguarding training and continuing support. This ensures that they are competent and confident to undertake these important roles.
The Operational and Principal Safeguarding and Prevent Leads undertake additional training where it is made available. For example from the Department for Education (DfE), Home Office, local authority, police, and local Prevent board. There is also Designated Safeguarding Lead Level 3 training.
Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility
If you have a concern, pass it on. Contact our Safeguarding Leads.
Safeguarding Essentials online training
The course, which includes Prevent, is mandatory for colleagues and apprentices, and is available via Blackboard and OneFile, and should be undertaken on an annual basis.
Safeguarding Enhanced: in-person training (with some online training dates)
This training is mandatory for those colleagues who hold specific safeguarding responsibilities. This is colleagues who are part of the Safeguarding Network, Student Services teams, Security Supervisors and Managers. As well as those who deliver education/training to children, young people, adults at risk or apprentices. It is available via Blackboard and OneFile and should be refreshed every two years.
Prevent in Higher Education - Enhanced: online training
The course, which includes British Values, is mandatory for those colleagues who hold specific safeguarding responsibilities. This is colleagues who are part of the Safeguarding Network, Student Services teams, Security Managers. As well as those who deliver education/training to children, young people, adults at risk and/or apprentices. It is available via Blackboard and OneFile and should be refreshed every 2 years.
Safeguarding and Prevent training
Topical, specialist training is available for colleagues based on a range of issues related to safeguarding and Prevent. Training is advertised via the Safeguarding Network, to committee members and via iTrent. Supporting information and resources will also be made available to colleagues.
Training at Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 for all staff and volunteers in the Pre-school Centre.
For bespoke training requests, please email the Wellbeing Team for more information.
The Government have produced a suite of online training courses aimed at individuals working in sectors covered by the Prevent Duty, which includes universities. We ask that colleagues on the Safeguarding Network complete the training at the required level. This will help protect students and apprentices from the risks associated with radicalisation and extremism.
Training is role specific for colleagues. Please visit the development portal for information on which course(s) you should complete.
The government have produced a suite of online training courses for individuals working in sectors covered by the Prevent duty, which includes universities. We ask that colleagues complete the training in order to help protect students and apprentices from the risks associated with radicalisation and extremism. To access any of the courses, please visit the Government website.
Prevent training is part of our safeguarding essentials course which is available to all students and apprentices. Prevent and British values training is available in OneFile and revisited throughout a student or apprentice’s programme.
One in five people have suicidal thoughts at some point in their lives. Yet suicide is something that we don’t often talk about, for fear of saying the wrong thing or making it more likely that someone will go through with it. We know from the experts that talking about suicide does not make it more likely that someone considering it will go through with it.
Talking reduces the taboo or stigma around the subject, and if people know they can talk about it, they may be more likely to ask for help. It can also make them feel less alone if they know people understand what they are going through. Talking about suicide can save lives.
Our training package should help you spot the signs and triggers so that you can support your friends or family members. The course was developed in conjunction with Zero Suicide Alliance. The training will help you recognise the signs of someone who is feeling suicidal. It aims to equip you with the skills and confidence you need to have a potentially lifesaving conversation. This training uses information and scenarios that are related to experiences at university. It's available on the Student Hub and OneFile.
The subject matter of this training resource may be challenging, particularly if you have lost someone to suicide. You may wish to have someone supportive nearby while doing the training.
If at any time you are struggling and need support then you can contact the Wellbeing Team, including if you need urgent support with your wellbeing or mental health.
Colleagues can find information about how to get help in an emergency on the intranet.
Security and Safety is everyone’s responsibility, and this training provides guidance on identifying security vulnerabilities, responding to suspicious behaviours and items and recognising hostile reconnaissance.
The e-learning training package combines nationally recognised Counter Terrorism guidance with University Security and Emergency procedures and advice on keeping safe on campus. The information is designed to help us to better understand and mitigate against current terrorist methodology. It is vital that we all recognise the role we individually have to play in keeping our university, its learners, staff and of course ourselves, safe.
This course must be renewed every 2 years and colleagues can access the training via LearnUpon