Safeguarding guide for employers


As an employer, you're expected to take responsibility for an apprentice’s welfare in the workplace. You must seek appropriate advice when you feel an apprentice may be at risk. 

We take our responsibility to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our apprentices seriously. We are committed to providing a safe, respectful and welcoming environment. We take a proactive approach to minimise risks to apprentices both in the workplace and at the University.

We work together with our employer partners who help us deliver apprenticeship programmes. We all have a duty to comply with UK legislation and statutory responsibilities. 

This guide gives you information on the support services we offer to employers working with apprentices.

Are you currently an apprentice at UCLan?

Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility

If you have a concern, pass it on. Contact our Safeguarding Leads.

Supporting employers

Our Safeguarding Team are here to help if you need safeguarding, mental health or wellbeing support or advice. In an emergency or when suspecting a serious harm, please contact the appropriate authorities in the first instance.