Want to go to uni but not sure what to study?

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Meet Hafsa

Choosing a course can be difficult, especially with so many options available. I found it difficult because I wanted a degree with good career prospects, but also something I would enjoy and commit to for 3 years.
student centre exterior
Hafsa Ussene
MSc Physiotherapy (Pre-reg)

In this blog I will be sharing some tips on how I found the right uni course for me, which will hopefully help you too!

1. Attend an Open Day

Open Days are super helpful to speak to course tutors and learn what the course entails, including the topics you’ll cover, assignments, and entry requirements. Some courses also offer taster sessions, which can be really helpful to see what your day-to-day life could be like.

Open Day is a great way to learn more about courses.
Open Day is a great way to learn more about courses.

2. Speak to people who have attended university

Speak to other people who have attended university and ask what made them choose their course. Ask if they have any advice and get an insight into their decision-making process. They might tell you something that you'd not considered before. For example, whether you'll be assessed by coursework or exam.

3. What do you enjoy?

It is important to remember that uni courses last 3 years or even longer. Therefore, choose wisely! Is there a particular subject you enjoyed studying at school? Try to find a course that matches your interests. This will make your time at uni more enjoyable and help you stick with your course.

Choose a course that you enjoy.
Choose a course that you enjoy.

4. Do you have a particular career in mind?

If you have a career in mind, do your research and find out if you'll need a particular degree to get that job. I wanted to become physiotherapist and so I had to attend university to meet the profession requirements.

5. Work or study abroad opportunities

It is always good to look at what the course has to offer to enhance your learning. For example, my physiotherapy programme included work placements so that we can gain real life practical experience. This will help me when I am applying for a job in the future. Likewise, some courses offer study abroad opportunities to help build your confidence for when you leave university and into the real world.

6. Order the university prospectus

UCLan has a broad range of undergraduate courses to choose from ranging from healthcare and sciences to art and law. From so many to choose from there will be something for you. You can order a prospectus to read through all the information or access the course information on the UCLan website. This will provide you with everything you need to know about the course including a brief description of the course and its modules, course facilities, and entry requirements.

With so many options available it can be overwhelming finding the right course to study. Some people know what career they want to pursue which can help them know what course they need to study. On the other hand, many others have no idea what they want to be - and that’s completely fine! You’re still fresh out of college and it’s the early days of a very long life ahead. As long as you enjoy what you study and you achieve what you want from it, then that’s all that matters. Don’t rush the process, think carefully about your goals and go for it.

Good luck, I wish you all the best!