MA Publishing: our authors

UCLan Publishing is an independent, trade children's publisher based at the University of Central Lancashire.

Throughout studying on our MA Publishing programme, you'll have the opportunity to implement your learning into supporting the business. This will allow you to gain invaluable work experience. We have worked with many well-renowned authors at UCLan Publishing, hear from some of them below. 

Hear from our published authors

Philip Caveney

I have been really impressed with UCLan publishing, since I first published a book with them (Inchtinn in 2019.) I think the graduate programme is an inspired idea and it's brilliantly run. I love the way that I am involved in the production of each book as it comes into being.

Dom Conlon
Double Carnegie nominated poet and author

My Northern heart has found a kindred spirit in UCLan Publishing and every aspect of it has been both insightful and supportive. I am grateful for the enthusiasm and talent which has been directed towards my books, which has helped me grow as a writer. 

Simon Packham

When my agent told me that UCLan was interested in publishing my new middle-grade novel, Worrybot I headed straight to their website where I found a really intriguing selection of children’s fiction and non-fiction by a mixture of new and established writers.

Jasmine Richards
Author and publishing professional

As an author and a publishing professional, I have had the pleasure of interacting with UCLan in a myriad of ways, all of which were incredibly positive and inspiring experiences.

AJ Hartley

"Working on Hideki Smith, my fifth novel for UCLan, was a particular joy: the students were enthusiastic and supportive, but also focused, detail-oriented, and keen to engage in tricky conversations about the content. They brought a range of thoughtful perspectives which definitely shaped the book for the better, while always being respectful of the material and as ready to listen and reflect as they were to make constructive suggestions. It was, once more, an excellent editorial experience."

Jake Hope

"The MA provides an impressive blend of industry expertise, behind-the-scenes insights and the unique opportunity to work on live projects enabling students to have practical, hands-on experience that helps students stand out in a crowded marketplace and which provides invaluable understanding and skills for their future careers."

Jennifer Lane
Author, writer and editor, and UCLan alumni

Jennifer is publishing 'The Black Air' with UCLan Publishing and 'The Second-Hand Boy'.

"Working with the Publishing MA students has been a wonderful experience. The students have kept me informed every step of the way and I've been so impressed with the quality of their skills."