Stephen Dee
Stephen is a key member of the Animation team. Teaching across all years of the BA program. With a particular emphasis and experience within all aspects of stop motion animation | Stephen is also owner and creative director of Barrow Creative, Manchester, bringing a huge amount of industry experience
Stephen's industry experience is key to imparting the model making, set design and puppet construction knowledge to students within the three years of the BA and MA programmes. Stephen supervises life drawing exercises with animation students. Current judging member of North West Royal Television Society commercial Animation Awards.
Stephen has thirty years of experience working across the television, film and advertising industries engaging with clients within the North West, nationally and internationally. Running a business within the North West allows for constant feeding back to students, regarding trends, contemporary and historical making and designing techniques. A knowledge of making practice and animating within commercial stop motion studios.
- BA (Hons) 3D Design, Manchester Polytechnic, 1987
Telephone:07879 410404
Email: Email:Stephen Dee