Gillian Warwick
Gillian has been a senior lecturer at UCLan since November 2016 and teaches across a wide range of subjects within the Health Sciences portfolio. She predominantly teaches within the Non Medical Prescribing programme, as well as other community health related modules. Her background as a District Nurse followed by her extensive experience working as an Advanced Practitioner within Palliative Medicine, has resulted in her being well placed to teach on various module. Gillian also is a train the trainer for advanced communication skills whereby working collaboratively with other lecturers delivers workshops to senior clinical staff on a regular basis. Gillian is a National Teaching Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Gillians main responsibilities lie within the Family and Public Health team delivering teaching across a range of modules including Same day consultations, non-medical prescribing, Specialist Community Practitioner courses and Advanced Practice.
Prior to joining UCLan, Gillian worked within Palliative Care. Upon gaining the Community Specialist Practitioner qualification, she joined a local hospice as team leader for the hospice at home team. From there she moved to a Macmillan Nurse post, providing specialist palliative and end of life care for patients predominantly within the community setting. Gillian joined UCLan following a brief spell of working as a Clinical Services manager within a local hospice.
- Professional Doctorate - commenced Sept 2019 and is ongoing
- MSc Advanced Practice 2014
- BSc Specialist Community Practitioner 2007
- Dip HE (Palliative Care) 2005
- RN (General Nursing) 1995
- Advanced communication skills within health care.
Gillian commenced the Professional Doctorate in Health September 2019. Her initial research proposal has developed and she is currently investigating the student experience in implementing consultation models within clinical practice.
Telephone:01772 893611
Email: Email:Gillian Warwick