Dr Stephen Sigurnjak
Steve gained his PhD in 2013 from Manchester Metropolitan University. His PhD focused on developing novel methods to classify human gait. He has held various roles such as external examiner, and subject expert at various universities.
Steve Sigurnjak is a Senior Lecturer and Course Leader for Electrical, Electronic and Robotic Engineering subjects. His research interests include biometric analysis and statistical modelling, feature extraction and classification systems. Steve is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Steve is active in encouraging children to take up STEM subjects using superheroes as the basis for this and showing how engineering could make these hero’s real. He has worked with organisations such as the BBC and Royal Academy of Engineers and was part of the launch of the Year of the Engineer in 2018.
- Course Leader for Electrical, Electronic and Robotic Engineering Courses
- PhD Biometric Verification Using Gait, Manchester Metropolitan University 2013
- Biometrics
- Statistical Analysis
- Classification Systems
- Robotics
- External Examiner
Telephone:+44 (0) 1772 89 3301
Email: Email:Dr Stephen Sigurnjak