Dr Eric Bater
Eric is a GP by training and works with 3rd and 4th Year Medical students on their campus day teaching programme. He has extensive experience in training GPs, Physician Associates, undergraduate medical students and other postgraduate medical teachers.
Eric is a campus day facilitator for the 3rd Year MBBS programme, bringing a primary care perspective to the teaching. He oversees the audit projects undertaken at the Westlakes campus by third year medical students and has a special interest in teaching communication skills
Eric has gained 30 years' experience as a GP and 25 as a GP trainer. He has been involved in the running of the GP training programme for 20 years and been involved in training future GP, trainers. Between 2017 and 2019 he was programme lead for the Physician Associate training programme in West Cumbria. and from 2018 has worked on the undergraduate Medical programme.
- MBChB. Bristol University 1982
- MRCGP 1986
- MA Medical Education. Durham University 2000
- Dip Pall Medicine. University of Wales 2000
- Communication skills teaching
- Evidence based practice
- Member of Royal College of General Practitioners
Telephone:+44 01946517218
Email: Email:Dr Eric Bater