Special Collections

About us

The Special Collections of the University of Central Lancashire Library contain a large number of books, documents, and historical resources of both national and international importance.

Important notice

Due to planned relocation of the Special Collections, visitors are not able to be permitted during 2024. If you have any questions regarding the collection during this period, please contact us via email.

To view digitised material from the collections, please see CloK.

If you would like to view materials from any of the Special Collections, or you would like to discuss how these resources can be used to help in your teaching and learning, please complete the Special Collections enquiry/appointment form.

Any items which have been digitised are available through the University Repository.

Our collection is also listed on JSTOR.

Our other collections

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From our special collections01 / 05

From 'Poems by Thomas Hood'.
From 'Poems by Thomas Hood'.

Special Collections enquiries

If you would like to view materials from any of the Special Collections or would like to discuss how these resources can be used to help in your teaching, learning or research, please complete the Special Collections enquiry/appointment form or contact us for any further questions regarding the collections