Widening participation

Values and initiatives

We have been transforming lives since 1828 and have always been committed to access and widening participation.

We pride ourselves on being an open and accessible institution for people from all backgrounds. We believe in the power of higher education to promote social mobility. Our extensive widening participation activities and student support services reflect this.


We work with groups that are under-represented in higher education. Theses include:

  • Young people from low socioeconomic or disadvantaged backgrounds
  • Care-experienced and young people estranged from their families
  • Young carers
  • Disabled students
  • Refugee and asylum seekers

Contact us

Are you are a school or community group that would like to know more about the activities and events we offer?

Email our friendly team

Primary school workshops

As part of our Get Ahead UCLan Campus Visits offer, we have a range of interactive workshops which we deliver on campus.

These sessions are designed for primary school children to gain an understanding of these subjects and to enjoy themselves. Subject areas we cover include:

Secondary school workshops

As part of our Get Ahead UCLan Campus Visits offer, we have a range of interactive workshops which we can deliver on campus. These sessions are designed for secondary school students to gain an understanding of these subjects and at the same time enjoy themselves.

Subject areas we cover include:

Wrap-around activities for primary and secondary school

 We can also offer some wrap around activities alongside the subject taster sessions mentioned above available to both primary and secondary school pupils. These are:

Activities for 16+

How to book

Contact us to book any of these sessions

These activities are available to schools or community groups where a high proportion of young people can be described as:

  • Living in a low HE-participation neighbourhood (POLAR4 Q1 or Q2) Check here: search by postcode
  • Live in an area of high deprivation (IMD D1-4) Check here: English indices of deprivation 2019 postcode lookup
  • Eligible for pupil premium
  • Would be the first in their immediate family to go to university
  • Looked after children or care-leavers
  • Have caring responsibilities
  • Forced migrants
  • Have a disability
  • Gypsy Roma Traveller background
  • Are from a military family

We offer a wide range of activities for groups that do not have a high proportion of young people from the groups above through our schools and college team. For more information see our schools and college page.

UCLan and RI Young Scientist Centre

The Young Scientist Centre is a partnership between UCLan and the Royal Institution of Great Britain. It’s a vibrant laboratory space dedicated to delivering workshops for schools and colleges. We offer all state-funded high schools and FE colleges one free workshop per key stage. For primary schools, we are offering one free workshop if your school has above 30% pupil premium. 

More information

Success and progression

At the University of Central Lancashire, we’ll be here for all students, no matter what. We work with our students to ensure success in their studies and progress into great careers or further study. We are committed to reducing and eliminating gaps in achievement between the different groups of students who study with us. We have a range of financial support packages to support students.

Bursaries and scholarships


We provide targeted support for specific groups including but not limited to:

Widening participation reporting