
Study chemistry with us and gain hands-on experience in our state-of-the-art JB Firth Building. You'll have access to advanced analytical instruments including mass spectrometers, NMRs, electron microscopes and HPLC.

We combine essential chemistry theory with specialist topics. These cover drug design and development, nanotechnology and environmental and sustainable chemistry. You'll get a distinct advantage when planning your future career in chemical sciences. 

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Discover our Chemistry courses

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Why choose us to study chemistry?

  • We’re ranked 2nd in the North West for student satisfaction (Complete University Guide, 2024). 
  • We have a well-equipped analytical instrumentation suite. As well as a range of spectroscopic, chromatographic, microscopic, morphological, surface and thermal analysis equipment.
  • Develop industry-ready skills. We have a strong focus on green, nano and medicinal chemistry.
Sound interesting?
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Chemistry student conducting an experiment in our lab facilities
Chemistry student conducting an experiment in our lab facilities

What to do with a chemistry degree?

Typical careers paths include chemical, pharmaceutical and food and drink industries. Other possible careers include nanotechnology, environmental science, forensic science, biotechnology and teaching. You’ll learn transferable skills, so we also have graduates working in accountancy, finance, law and even publishing.

Typical careers after studying a chemistry degree include:

  • Analytical chemist
  • Palaeontologist
  • Biotechnologist
  • Medicinal chemist
  • Clinical scientist, biochemistry
  • Nuclear engineer
  • Chemical engineer
  • Forensic scientist
  • Crime scene investigator

Take the next step

group of students walking outside once was lost in preston

Study a degree at UCLan

Interested in studying a degree with us? From exploring accommodation to visiting us at an Open Day, find out everything you need to know about life at UCLan.

Meet the chemistry team

Professor Richard Hull
Emeritus Professor
Dr Anna Kirkham
Senior Lecturer in Forensic Chemistry
Dr Jennifer Readman
Senior Lecturer
Professor Sub Reddy
Professor of Biomaterials and Analytical Chemistry
Dr Tapas Sen
Reader in Nanomaterials Chemistry

Read about our chemistry alumni


Courses in chemistry

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