Funding and financial aid for students from Canada

International students

Are you from Canada and planning to study in the UK with us? Are you wondering about your funding options? We're here to help explain what's available.

What you need to know

The Federal and Provincial Governments offer financial aid to Canadians studying with us at The University of Central Lancashire. We’re a public institution with the code of PUNA for Medicine and Dentistry courses, and PUFW code for all other courses (although some provinces/territories may use a different code).

Canadian loans are means-tested, so you’re required to demonstrate financial need to qualify for financial aid.


If you're interested in applying for a loan you should do it through your provincial/territorial student assistance office or website. When you apply, you’re considered for funding by both the Provincial and Federal Government, meaning you only must apply once for your funding for the year. While federal loans are handled through a lender called the National Student Loans Service Centre, provincial loans are handled through provincial governments and student aid branches.

Who processes the loan?

Your provincial Student Finance Department, not the University, will process most of your loans. However, you may require University signatures or verification of your student status. The University must also confirm that you have been accepted onto a course (demonstrable through your offer letter containing your student identification number beginning with the letter G) or are already enrolled with us before any financial aid will be paid to you. If you need further information, please contact the Student Fees and Funding Team.

Out of Province aid and Ontario funding

Students receiving out-of-province aid from Canadian provinces or the Ontario Student Assistance Program funding, should email their loan and deferment forms to the Student Fees and Funding Team.

Students from Canada

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