Become a vet placement provider
We offer vet students placements from Year 1 of our BVMS degree. If you run a practice that is passionate about inspiring future veterinary graduates, we would love to hear from you.

Why become a partner practice with UCLan?
Train our future vets
Get the opportunity to train the next generation of veterinary professionals.Widening participation
Be involved with our widening participation goals.Brand new and exclusive
Work with Lancashire's brand new vet school.Training opportunities
Take part in exclusive training opportunities for your team.
Get in touch
If you are interested in exploring a potential partnership, please contact our Veterinary Placements Team.
Information about our placements programme
If you run a practice that is passionate about inspiring future veterinary graduates, we would love to hear from you. Becoming a UCLan IMR partner practice will give you the opportunity to shape the future of the profession. Gain access to a whole host of benefits. These include personal development for your team, research opportunities to CPD courses.
During Years 1 and 2, the School will support veterinary students. This is to secure 12 weeks of animal husbandry placements during their holidays. During this time, students will gain exposure to various species. They will visit many animal care establishments such as kennels, farms, zoos and riding stables. Placements will enable students to gain a deeper insight into animal husbandry, management and welfare. It will enable them to further their animal handling skills. We call these placements EMS (extra-mural studies).
We are looking for establishments interested in hosting our students on their EMS placements. If you could provide students with experience handling and caring for your animals, we would love to hear from you. During placements, students will:
- Grow confidence in handling the key species they’ll encounter in their careers.
- Develop an understanding of the practice, economics and animal welfare within animal management systems and animal industries.
- Discover the importance of herd health and a population-level approach to production animal work.
- Gain experience with the ethical and legal responsibilities of the veterinary surgeon. With concern for individual clients, animals, the community and society.
We’re using a fully distributed model to deliver our course. This means our students will gain their experience through our network of national practice partners. Rather than having our own clinical facilities and a teaching hospital on campus.
Students on IMR placements will be mentored by a nominated ‘clinical tutor’. This can be a vet or registered veterinary nurse employed by the partner practice. Clinical tutors will receive training on workplace-based veterinary education. They'll be fully supported by our coaching and mentoring team.
In Years 1 to 4, our students will take part in intra-mural rotation (IMR) placements for two weeks per year on our BVMS course. In Year 5, this transitions to a full placement-based final year. Students will take part in EMS placements during their holidays.
Our students will be looking to approach EMS providers for placements during their holiday periods. See our university academic calendar for specific dates.
Veterinary medicine placement gallery01 / 04

The vet world is quite tiny, everyone seems to know everyone through someone else. It's going to create a little Lancashire-based network. Everyone is working together at the practice to make sure the students have the best possible experience

I feel lucky to be part of the UCLan veterinary school. They're striving to produce a very different type of veterinary surgeon. One that is moulded and fashioned for modern veterinary practice, with the skills to thrive in this demanding role.

Students are real ambassadors for the University. Staff really like them and the team are also really enjoying it.

Get in touch
If you are interested in exploring a potential partnership, please contact our Veterinary Placements Team.