International intellectual property regulation, cyber security and corporate law

Our research on cyber security and corporate law is renowned nationally and internationally. Our academics contribute to the National Cyber Force, supporting and influencing government policy and lead UCLan’s Cybercrime Research Unit.

We pursue inter-disciplinary research with practitioners, policymakers, researchers and communities to ensure maximum relevance and real-world impact. Our research is recognised nationally and internationally as making a distinctive contribution to knowledge and significantly influencing legislative policy reform and practice. Members of this group regularly contribute to initiatives and activities conducted by main active international bodies and organisations working in the field including WHO, UNDP, UNESCO and UNITAID to name few.

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Professor Mohammed El Said
Professor in International Trade and Intellectual Property Law
School of Law and Policing

El Said is a specialist in international intellectual property law and regulation. With particular expertise in the area of intellectual property regulation, access to medicines and public health, El Said's research led to collaborative projects with leading international organis…

Professor Richard Taylor
Emeritus Professor of English Law
School of Law and Policing

Richard has been a member of the University for over 40 years and was Head of the Law School for 14 years and subsequently its Director of Research. He was President of the Society of Legal Scholars in 2018-19. He continues to be active in research and writing, as is evidenced by…