The Universities UK Concordat to Support Research Integrity (2012) requires each signatory to submit a short annual report to their governing body, demonstrating how the principles and ethos of integrity are embedded within the governance framework, and how compliance with the Concordat is achieved.
Any queries in relation to this statement should be addressed to the University Officer for Ethics and Integrity at the following email address:
Policies and Procedures
The University has a Code of Conduct for Research and an Ethical Principles document which are reviewed annually by the Ethics and Integrity team within Research Services. Approval for any amendments are made by the Academic Board via the Committee for Ethics and Integrity. Research malpractice has a Code of Practice for the Investigation of Allegations of Research Malpractice. In addition to these polices, other documents are available below:
Training and Development
The University recognises that the ultimate responsibility for personal and professional development of researchers lies with the individuals themselves and the University provides training and opportunities for engagement in a supportive environment. Ethics Committees at Faculty and University level also reflect on case studies to identify and disseminate good practice at all levels. The University benefits from membership of the UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE) and Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA). The latter has absorbed AfRE(Association for Research Ethics) and benchmarks all development opportunities against the RDF(Researcher Development Framework) and other sector standards, where appropriate.
Research Malpractice / Complaints
The University has a Code of Practice for the Investigation of Allegations of Research Malpractice. The University Officer for Ethics must be notified of any suspected incidences of malpractice as outlined in the document. All reported instances are investigated according to the procedure within the Code, and findings recorded. Where research misconduct as opposed to research malpractice is identified there is the potential to invoke the relevant People Team Disciplinary Procedure. This Code will be reviewed and updated during 2019/2020.
Number of Reported Allegations of Research Misconduct 2018-2019 (Sep 18 – Aug 19)
During the period 1st September 2018 to 31st May 2019, there were no new allegations of Research Misconduct reported to the University Officer for Ethics.
However, further information was requested by the complainant of an allegation of misconduct which was investigated during 2017/2018 reporting period. This request is being dealt with by the University Officer for Ethics.
Ongoing Review and Oversight
The University will maintain oversight of the conduct of researchers through the Governance Framework as described and illustrated in Figure 1 below. This will be supported by ongoing provision of a comprehensive and current professional development programme.
During 2019/2020 the University will actively promote the regulations and processes surrounding Ethics and Integrity to colleagues and students.