Crafting Contention: The role of zines in contesting mental health knowledge and practice
A study exploring MadZines (self-published magazines, perzines, graphic memoirs and comics about madness, distress and psychosocial disabilities).

- Identifying how zines 'craft' specific forms of psychiatric contention (in content, form and style)
- Investigating zine's use of humour, parody and subversion.
- Exploring how zines can be used to resist marginalisation and pathologisation and offer alternative sources of information and support.
Explore the pedagogical potential of zines to transform professional and lay thinking about mental health; combat stigma, oppression and discrimination; and influence policy and practice.
Understand how critical approaches to mental health can be researched, understood and disseminated through zines.
Transform the way zines are understood, theorised, researched and utilised.
We will develop a methodology that is congruent, with zine ethics and practice. Using a Mad Studies lens, we will draw on dialogical narrative analysis and new materialism.
Project lead: Professor Helen Spandler
Researcher: Dr. Jill Anderson
PhD student: Tamsin Walker
Project illustrator, Dr. Jackie Batey (University of Portsmouth).
We are also working with individual zinesters and partner organisations.
You can follow on-going progress of the project at our MadZines blogsite
3 years: 2020-23