Project goals:
- Provide a preliminary analysis of the extent, types and experiences of conversion therapy ‘treatments’ given to lesbian, bisexual women in the UK mental health system (to reorient their sexuality).
- Understand whether lesbian and bisexual women were also subjected to aversion therapy (a specific type of conversion therapy) to complement the published hidden histories of the psychiatric treatment of gay and bisexual men.
- Scoping and researching relevant LGBT, women's and mental health archives;
- Identifying relevant LGBT and relevant mental health testimonies, memoirs and autobiographical material;
- Developing partnerships with older LGBT and mental health service user organisations to collaborate in further research.
Project Lead
Professor Hel Spandler
Collaborators and Partners
Dr Sarah Carr
Public Outputs
All our public outputs are open access.
Davison, K. Hubbard, K. Marks, S. Spandler, H. Wynter R. (2024) An Inclusive History of LGBTQ+ Aversion Therapy: Past Harms and Future Address in a UK Context. Review of General Psychology.
Spandler, H, & Carr, S. (2022). Lesbian and bisexual women's experiences of aversion therapy in England. History of the Human Sciences
Spandler, H. (2020) ‘The shocking ‘treatment’ to make lesbians straight’. Welcome Collection Stories.
Spandler, H, Carr, S. (2020) 'A history of lesbian politics and the psy professions'. Feminism and Psychology
Research Grouping
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Social Work and Social Policy
Research Theme/Institute/Centre
Expertise and Subject area
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Social Work and Social Policy
- Social Care and Community
Wellcome Trust: Seed Award in Humanities and Social Science (funder)
Social Media
Twitter: @hspandler | @SchrebersSister