Celebrate the success and achievements of our students at our graduation ceremonies.

2025 graduation ceremonies
Our 2025 summer graduation ceremonies will take place between Monday 7 July and Friday 11 July 2025.
Scroll or swipe on small screens to see all table columns
Date | Time | School |
Monday 7 July 2025 | 12.30pm |
School of Health, Social Work and Sport |
3pm |
School of Health, Social Work and Sport |
Tuesday 8 July 2025 | 10am |
School of Medicine and Dentistry |
12.30pm |
School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences School of Nursing and Midwifery(Nursing Associate, Health and Social Care, General Practice, Sexual Health, Midwifery and MSc Nursing in General Practice) |
3pm | School of Nursing and Midwifery (Nursing) |
Wednesday 9 July 2025 | 10am | School of Engineering and Computing (Computing, Electrical, Electronics, Robotics, Maths and Physics) |
12.30pm | School of Law and Policing | |
3pm | School of Engineering and Computing (Mechanical, Motorsports, Mechatronics, Maintenance, Manufacturing, Aerospace, Architecture, Construction Civil, Fire and Energy) |
Thursday 10 July 2025 | 10am | School of Business (Postgraduate except MBA) |
12.30pm | School of Business (Undergraduate) |
3pm |
School of Psychology and Humanities School of Business |
Friday 11 July 2025 | 10am | School of Psychology and Humanities (Humanities) |
12.30pm | School of Arts and Media (All partner students) |
3pm |
School of Arts and Media |
Graduation playlist
We've created a graduation playlist so you can watch our ceremonies on catch-up.
Watch previous ceremoniesGraduation walkthrough
To help you plan for graduation, we've explained below about what to expect on the day. Graduation is likely to be very busy so we recommend you arrive two hours before your ceremony start time.
Please note, the below is relevant to our previous ceremonies and may be subject to change for any upcoming graduation ceremonies. Always check back closer to the time of your upcoming graduation ceremony.
A step-by-step guide to your graduation day
Once you arrive on the Preston Campus, please make your way to the Engineering Innovation Centre on Corporation Street to check in. Your guests will be directed down Kendal Steet to the Foster building, where they can wait for you. We do this to keep queues at check in to a minimum.
If you intend to arrive by car, please plan your parking arrangements in advance and be aware of their proximity to the campus. Please remember that we don’t have space in the University car parks – just for blue Badge holders. There are several public car parks in Preston so take a look at the venue and parking section below where would work best for you. We have a designated drop off point and limited accessible parking spaces for Blue Badge holders on Hope Street car park.
You may need to queue to check in, which might mean standing outside for a little while, but we will get you through the queue as quickly as possible. Check the weather before the day as umbrellas may be needed!
When you reach the front of the queue, you will be shown to the right check in desk organised alphabetically by surname. Here you will receive an envelope which includes your name card and wristbands for the ceremony hall. For security reasons it is important that anyone entering the ceremony hall has their wristband on before entry. Don’t forget to collect live-stream tickets for any additional guests.
After checking in, you will head up the stairs for gowning (lift access is also available). You may need to wait a bit here, but the team will be working as fast as they can. There will be two queues, one for those who have pre-ordered their gown and one for those who are paying on the day. Don’t forget pre-ordered gowns are cheaper than ordering them on the day. The gowning team will support you in getting your gown and cap on and there will be mirrors at each dressing station.
Once you have your gown you will exit the Engineering Innovation Centre via the stairs or lift and be directed onto the Foster square.
After a short walk across the square to the Foster building, you will then re-group with your guests. The entrance to the Foster building is via the fire doors situated to the left of the main entrance. This entrance is fully signposted and there will be lots of event ushers to show you and your guests where to go.
You can then have professional photographs taken with your guests by our official photographer, Tempest. Please note you may need to wait a bit during busy periods so do allow enough time before your ceremony starts.
If you don’t want official photographs, you can skip this section by walking through Foster corridor straight into Foster social space. There will be lots of event stewards to help you find your way.
In Foster social space you will be able to grab a complementary drink, take photos with classmates and celebrate with your friends and family before the ceremony.
You will exit Foster social space through the fire doors leading to the Foster garden. From here, there is a short walk over to Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre. Please make sure you have finished any drinks before walking over as you cannot take open drinks into the hall.
Please ensure you and your guests have secured your wristband to allow us to provide access to the building as quickly as possible. For security reasons you will not be able to enter without your wristband firmly secured on your arm.
You will be directed to the ceremony hall via the stairs or lifts. Ushers will be on hand to help you and your guests find their seats and it is important to note that graduands will be seated separately to guests. It is important that graduands sit in the seat that has been allocated on the ticket as this is the order in which you will be presented on stage.
Guests who do not have a ticket for the ceremony hall and are watching the live stream will take a left turn after exiting Foster social space and walk straight ahead to the Darwin building. Once inside the building, guests will take another left to the lecture theatre, where the live stream will be hosted. Don’t worry we will have plenty of people showing you the way.
The ceremony will start promptly so please make sure you and your guests arrive in good time to find your seats. We ask that everyone is seated in the hall at least 15 mins before the start of the ceremony.
To begin the event, the platform party will process through the centre of the ceremony hall to the stage accompanied by a live performance by the Chamber Choir and trumpeters. The platform party includes a Senior Academic, who presents your award, a Mace Bearer who carries the University Mace, a Master of Ceremonies, who comperes the ceremony, and academics from your school.
Once seated, the Master of Ceremonies will begin the ceremony with an opening message, which will be followed by a welcome from the Senior Academic and the presentation and response from Honorary Fellows, Honorary Doctorates and Alumni award winner (when in attendance).
Graduate presentations will follow, where you will be invited to cross the stage and be congratulated by the Senior Academic.
Your seats have been allocated in a very specific order so that you cross the stage along with students from your course. An usher will prompt your row when it is time for your presentation and you’ll line up at the left of the stage.
The queue will lead up a ramp and when you reach the stage, an usher will take your name card and hand it to the announcer who will read out your name. You will then cross the stage to shake the Senior Academic’s hand or if you don’t wish to shake hands, you can cross your hands in front of you and simply nod.
You will exit the stage at the other side and ushers will direct you back to your seat for the rest of the ceremony.
Once the presentations have finished, the Chamber Choir will perform and you’ll be invited to celebrate by throwing your cap in the air with your fellow graduates. The Master of Ceremonies will conclude the ceremony and invite all guests to sing the National Anthem. To conclude the ceremony, the platform party will process out of the hall.
The ceremony hall will be dark and there will be bright, flashing lights and loud music. Live cameras will capture the entire event and be projected onto a large screen so all guests in the hall and those watching the live stream can see the proceedings and most importantly, the graduates crossing the stage.
It is important to remember that this is a moment of celebration for everyone, regardless of beliefs. So please respect the audience and the occasion by avoiding demonstrating personal or political views. We thank you for your understanding.
Guests should remain seated for the duration of the ceremony, to ensure everyone has a good view and prevent any disruption to the celebration.
Photos are taken of each graduate when crossing the stage (see the Tempest stand in the post-ceremony celebration area to purchase) and you are welcome to take photos in the post celebration area after the ceremony.
After the ceremony you will exit the same way you came in and ushers will guide you through Foster building, up Kendal Street, crossing the road onto the University Square. Here you will be directed into the Student Centre for your post-ceremony celebration. Your guests will follow after a few minutes and meet you in the Student Centre to celebrate.
You will be able to enjoy complimentary refreshments, take some more informal photos and catch up with your course mates. We will also have food vendors and a bar available where you can purchase food and drinks.
If you'd prefer to celebrate in a quieter space with non-alcoholic refreshments, we've reserved an area inside the Student Centre Lower Ground Cafe for our graduands to enjoy tea, coffee and cake.
Inside the Student Centre you will also be able to purchase an official photograph of yourself crossing the stage.
The last thing you need to do before leaving is to return your gown inside the Student Centre.
We know it will be a day to remember and we are really looking forward to celebrating with you.
Would you prefer to celebrate in a quieter area with non-alcoholic refreshments? An area has been reserved in the Student Centre Upper Ground Floor careers area for our graduates to enjoy tea, coffee and cake.
There are also Prayer Rooms available during graduation, including:
- Harris Building, First Floor, Room 151
- Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre, Lower Ground, Squash Court
- Oasis Centre
Preparing for your day
Scroll or swipe on small screens to see all table columns
Date | Time | School |
Monday 7 July 2025 | 12.30pm |
School of Health, Social Work and Sport |
3pm |
School of Health, Social Work and Sport |
Tuesday 8 July 2025 | 10am |
School of Medicine and Dentistry |
12.30pm |
School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences School of Nursing and Midwifery(Nursing Associate, Health and Social Care, General Practice, Sexual Health, Midwifery and MSc Nursing in General Practice) |
3pm | School of Nursing and Midwifery (Nursing) |
Wednesday 9 July 2025 | 10am | School of Engineering and Computing (Computing, Electrical, Electronics, Robotics, Maths and Physics) |
12.30pm | School of Law and Policing | |
3pm | School of Engineering and Computing (Mechanical, Motorsports, Mechatronics, Maintenance, Manufacturing, Aerospace, Architecture, Construction Civil, Fire and Energy) |
Thursday 10 July 2025 | 10am | School of Business (Postgraduate except MBA) |
12.30pm | School of Business (Undergraduate) |
3pm |
School of Psychology and Humanities School of Business |
Friday 11 July 2025 | 10am | School of Psychology and Humanities (Humanities) |
12.30pm | School of Arts and Media (All partner students) |
3pm |
School of Arts and Media |
Your gown
We recommend graduates wear the University’s academic dress which is a cap and gown. In the email confirming your ceremony details, you will receive a link to book your cap and gown. You’ll also need your student reference number. This is your nine-digit student registration number, e.g. G00112233 or S00112233 or 100112233.
You will collect your cap and gown on the day of the ceremony. After the ceremony, please return your gown by 6pm at the gown return. The gown return will be in the Student Centre.
What to wear
Wear a formal or smart outfit underneath your gown, we know you’ll want to look great for your photographs. The gowns and mortarboards are black for all graduates excluding PhD graduates. PhD graduates wear grey gowns and bonnets.
Gown hire pricing:
Scroll or swipe on small screens to see all table columns
Hire | Pre-order | On the day |
Bachelors | £46 | £51 |
Masters | £49 | £54 |
PhD | £52 | £57 |
In the event that you are unable to attend your graduation, please email with your Student ID number to request a refund.
Your ceremony will usually be either 10am, 12.30pm or 3pm. We advise that you arrive two hours before your ceremony is due to begin. It will take time to register, gown and have your photographs taken. Please don’t arrive more than two hours before, as registration only opens two hours before your ceremony.
After your ceremony, there will be a celebration event in University Square for graduands and their guests.
Please note the below schedule is for previous ceremonies and may be subject to change for any upcoming graduation ceremonies. Always check back closer to the time for the most accurate information.
Scroll or swipe on small screens to see all table columns
Ceremony time | 10am | 12.30pm | 3pm |
Registration Engineering Innovation Centre |
8am-9am | 10.30am-11.30am | 1pm-2pm |
Gown collection Engineering Innovation Centre |
Open until 9.30am | Open until 12 noon | Open until 2.30pm |
Photography Foster Building |
Open until 5pm | Open until 5pm | Open until 5pm |
Pre-ceremony refreshments Foster Building |
8.30am-9.30am | 11am - 12 noon | 1.30pm-2.30pm |
Ceremony hall open Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre |
9.15am | 11.45am | 2.15pm |
Graduands and guests seated Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre |
By 9.50am | By 12.20pm | By 2.50pm |
Ceremony ends Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre |
11am | 1.30pm | 4pm |
Celebration Student Centre |
11am-12.30pm | 1.30pm-3pm | 4pm-5.30pm |
Gown return Student Centre |
6pm | 6pm | 6pm |
If you've not completed your course and achieved your target award by 10 November we will not expect you at December’s graduations. You will be invited to the next ceremony after you have been awarded. Students can view their results securely online by using myUCLan. If you have a query regarding your award or your results please email the Graduation Team for assistance.
Students who have requested to defer their attendance will be emailed by mid-October with booking information. If you don’t receive an email by Monday 21 October, please email the Graduation Team. If you are a graduate who did not ask to defer but now wants to attend please email the Graduation Team.
Outstanding debts
Graduands with outstanding tuition debts owed to the University will be required to clear the balance(s) in full in order to attend graduation. Students with outstanding debts will not be permitted to graduate or receive final certificates/transcripts. You can pay online or for further information please contact the Accounts Receivable (Customer Accounts) Team on +44 (0) 1772 891828 Option 5 to discuss any outstanding balances.
Tickets are free of charge for you and up to two guests in the ceremony hall and include post-ceremony refreshments (a choice of one complimentary alcoholic or non-alcoholic refreshment and a sweet or savoury treat per guest). If you want to bring extra guests they can watch a live stream from one of our lecture theatres, the Students' Union bar Lampworks or the Adelphi pub. You can have a maximum of four extra guests in addition to the two in the ceremony hall. Your extra guests will be able to join you at the post-ceremony celebration. Extra guests will unfortunately not be eligible for complimentary post-ceremony refreshments, however there will be the opportunity to purchase additional food and drink.
It may be possible to offer additional guest tickets closer to your ceremony date. However, this depends on the number of graduands who have confirmed their attendance per ceremony. We will inform you of any additional guest tickets closer to your graduation date by email.
Please be aware that tickets are not posted to you. You simply collect them from the registration desk on the day of your ceremony.
If your student visa has expired and you will be living outside the UK during Graduation and wish to return with family or friends to attend, you may need to apply for a visitor visa to return to the UK. You will need your invitation email for your application and can find more information about the application process.
Graduation ceremonies are formal, lengthy events and experience has shown that children become bored and restless. However, we appreciate that it is not always possible to make alternative childcare arrangements and exit points are clearly marked should you need to leave the hall. If you are graduating, please note children cannot be left unattended in the hall without adult supervision so please make necessary arrangements in advance of your graduation day.
Children under the age of two do not require tickets and may sit on an adult's lap, not on a seat. Children aged two and over require a guest ticket for entry to the ceremony. Please ensure children remain seated throughout the ceremony to avoid causing any disruption to the ceremony.
Where graduates are allocated an additional two guest tickets and one is for a child, the second ticket must go to a supervising adult.
Graduates sit separately to guests in the ceremony hall and so cannot supervise children at this time.
If a group of guests includes one adult and multiple children, then the group must go together into the Graduation Live Stream rather than the ceremony hall. This is because children cannot be left unsupervised at any time during the event.
Please note that prams and pushchairs are not permitted in the ceremony.
You will be seated in the hall and called up to the stage to receive your award. Don’t worry there will be plenty of staff showing you what you need to do. Graduands will be given a reserved seat number in front of the stage. It is important that you sit in the seat reserved for you so that we call the right name at the right time onto the stage. Don’t worry an usher will direct you to the stage at the right time and your name will be announced. You should then walk across the stage and shake hands with the Presiding Officer who will be giving you your award, before returning to your seat.
Guest seating surrounds the graduate seats in the hall.
Smile – you’re on camera
Just to let you know graduation ceremonies are regarded as public events and the names of all graduates (including those graduands who don’t attend) are published in the graduation programme. The graduation ceremony will also be filmed and live streamed over the internet and will ultimately be available to view on the UCLan website so you and friends and family can watch again.
We’ll also be doing general filming and photography at the ceremonies and celebration event which may be used for corporate publicity. If you object to being filmed and/or photographed for this purpose, please email our Brand Team.
Studio photography
Our studio photography offers you the opportunity to have individual and family group (max 7 people) photographs taken by a professional photographer.
H Tempest Ltd is the appointed photography company. A wide range of products are available to view on the Tempest website.
On your graduation day you may have your photograph taken before or after your ceremony. Studios will remain open until 5pm each day.
Photos of your presentation
Presentation photographs will be taken of you on the stage as you shake hands with the Presiding Officer and will be available to purchase after the ceremony from the Tempest website
Memorabilia and gifts
A range of University branded merchandise will be available to purchase from the Students' Union at every Graduation event with 7.5% of all sales going to the Harris Bursary Fund. This is a charitable fund established through the University Foundation to provide emergency help and support to students. You can also make purchases online from the Students' Union.
Suitcases and large bags are not permitted at any part of the graduation event. Please do not bring luggage on the day.
Drones are not permitted at graduation for safety reasons. Please do not bring or use drones at this event.
Disability arrangements
The booking form where you confirm your intention to attend a ceremony asks whether you or your guests have any access requirements that require specific assistance or prior organisation. Please can you confirm details on the form and provide additional information if necessary. If you have any questions, then please email us.
The University of Central Lancashire campus is wheelchair accessible with lift access to all floors.
Accessing the venue and further information
Information for Deaf graduates and guests
British Sign Language interpreters will be present at the ceremony. If you or any of your guests are deaf and require seats reserved in a suitable position to view the interpreter or to access the hearing loop system, please indicate this on the booking form or contact us.
Information for Blind or Visually Impaired graduates and guests
Graduates, your seat will be reserved in the ceremony hall so that you can sit with your course colleagues, however we may allocate a seat for you at the end of the row to provide easy access. Our ushers will provide any assistance you may require to escort you to and from the presentation platform. We will discuss these arrangements with you when you arrive at the ceremony so you will know exactly what to expect.
Please provide additional information on the booking form if you or one of your guests has a Guide Dog so that we can allow extra space.
Information for Wheelchair Users or those with mobility issues
Please review our AccessAble guide for more information on how to access building.
Graduates, your place will be reserved in the ceremony hall so that you can sit with your course colleagues if possible. There will be ramp access with handrails onto the presentation platform and we will discuss the arrangements with you when you arrive in the ceremony hall.
For guests, there are designated areas in the ceremony hall for wheelchair users and easily accessible rows will be reserved for those with mobility issues if required. Please contact us if your guest(s) require a wheelchair space.
Please note that the University is not able to provide wheelchairs for use at the Graduation Ceremony.
Wellbeing ambassadors
Our Inclusive team can provide a range of support during your visit. This support includes Wellbeing Ambassadors who can support your visit during the event. Please indicate your requirements on the booking form or contact us for further information.
Venue information
University of Central Lancashire
Engineering Innovation Centre
Fylde Road
Please arrive at the Engineering Innovation Centre on the Preston Campus and you will be asked to register and collect your gown. Don’t worry you will be guided through the ceremony experience, from beginning to end. The venue for the graduation ceremonies is Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre.
If you intend to arrive by car, please plan your parking arrangements in advance and be aware of their proximity to the campus. Please remember that we don’t have space in the University car parks during Graduation – just for blue Badge holders.
Blue badge holders (disabled parking)
There will be a limited number of blue badge parking spaces on Hope Street Car Park.
Local Public Car Parks
Find out about car parks in Preston here.
Closest to campus are Walker Street, Trinity Square and St. Mary’s.
See more information in the ‘How to find us’ section below.
We have exclusive rates and discounts with local hotels for graduation and other events. You will also find discounts for local restaurants and bars in Preston city centre.
Please find further information on hotels local to Preston. Please note that the University cannot be held liable for the cost of any travel arrangements or accommodation made by you or your guests even if in any unfortunate circumstance that the event is cancelled or you are unable to attend.
There are a number of different ways to travel to your Graduation.
By Bus
Preston Bus Station is 5-10 minutes’ walk or a short taxi ride to Fylde Road, PR1 2HE.
Park and Ride
The service operates from Walton-le-Dale and Portway locations and is easily accessible from the M6 and M65. The bus service stops in the town centre and is approximately a 10-minute walk from UCLan's campus. Further information can be found on the Lancashire County Council website.
By car
Scroll or swipe on small screens to see all table columns
Car Park |
Location |
Approx. distance to UCLan |
Spaces |
Walker Street |
PR1 2HF |
0.2m |
260 |
St Mary’s |
PR1 2XH |
0.1m |
70 |
Hill Street |
PR1 2BB |
0.16m |
70 |
St George’s |
PR1 2TU |
0.29m |
410 |
Fishergate |
PR1 8BN |
0.33m |
850 |
Preston Bus Station |
PR1 1YT |
0.5m |
600 |
By Taxi
To pre-book
- Millers Citax (273 Brook Street) 01772 884000
- New City VIP (Moor Lane) 01772 556655
- Eagle Taxis (Fox Street) 01772 200300
- A1 City Taxis (London Road) 01772 561616/17
Taxi drop off/collection point Fylde Road, PR1 2HE
By Train
Preston Railway Station is 5-10 minutes’ walk to Fylde Road, PR1 2HE
The University of Central Lancashire Graduation Team is happy to answer any queries. Email the Graduation Team or call us on +44 (0) 1772 891828.
Not heard from us about your graduation?
The Graduation Team contacts students using the contact information in your online record. It is your responsibility to keep these details up to date. If you cannot access your online record to update contact details, please contact the Graduation Team via email.
We make every effort to contact students that have left the university, however, if your contact details have not been updated in the university system, we may be unable to do so. To change your details please contact the Graduation Team via email.
Cancellation policy
In the event that the Graduation Ceremony cannot take place, is delayed, or times for the Graduation Ceremony are changed as a result of any events, omissions, or non-events that are beyond the reasonable control of the University of Central Lancashire, including (without limitation):
- Acts of God
- Riots
- War
- Acts of terrorism
- Epidemic or pandemic
- UK Government imposed restrictions and/or health and safety guidance related to Covid-19
- Period of national mourning
- Fire
- Flood
- Storm
- Earthquake
- Industrial action
The University of Central Lancashire shall not be liable for any losses, direct or otherwise, incurred by graduates and their guests.
How we use your information
The University’s graduation ceremonies are public events and are significant events for graduates, guests and staff. To see how we use information about you and your guests when you attend a ceremony, including information about photography, video and live streaming at the event, view our graduation privacy notice.
Please note that ceremonies include flashing lights. Please email the Graduation Team for more information.
Discover your Alumni Network
Sign up to your Alumni Network via your graduation booking form and take advantage of all of the alumni benefits and support we have on offer. Whether it be careers advice, library and gym access or business support, we’re here for you throughout your graduate life.
Social media
Share your graduation celebrations and favourite memories of studying with us using #UCLanGraduates on social media. You can also collect complimentary photo prints from the University Square on the day of your ceremony when you share through Twitter.
Could you be our next TikTok or Instagram star? Look out for our team who will be filming throughout graduation.
Discover Preston city centre
Explore Preston with our exclusive discounts that can be redeemed in local restaurants, cafés and hotels.
Frequently asked questions
If you are unable to attend and would like to defer to a later graduation please email our Graduation Team. If you do not wish to attend any graduation event you do not need to let us know.
You can have a maximum of four extra guests in addition to the two guests accompanying you to the ceremony hall. Your extra guests will be able to join you at the post-ceremony celebration. Extra guests will unfortunately not be eligible for complimentary post-ceremony refreshments, however there will be the opportunity to purchase additional food and drink.
It may be possible to offer additional guest tickets closer to your ceremony date. However, this depends on the number of graduands who have confirmed their attendance per ceremony. We will inform you of any additional guest tickets closer to your graduation date by email.
Your ceremony will usually be either 10am, 12.30pm or 3pm. We advise that you arrive two hours before your ceremony is due to begin. It will take time to register, gown and have your photographs taken. Please don’t arrive more than two hours before, as registration only opens two hours before your ceremony.
We use Tempest Photography services more information on the service they provide can be found on the Tempest website.