Pre-School Centre
The Pre-School Centre at the University Central Lancashire is a high quality, nurturing, professionally run nursery. It is open for staff and students. We welcome children aged from six months to four years and can accommodate up to 90 children.

About us
The Pre-School Centre is in Preston, Lancashire. It is in a purpose-built single-storey building with an enclosed outside garden area. There are separate rooms where children carry out a diverse range of activities in a safe, secure and caring environment.
Vision statement
In Pre-School we play, learn, laugh and grow.
We believe a happy child is a successful one. Our vision is to develop well rounded, confident and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential. We will achieve this by providing a welcoming, happy, nurturing, safe and supportive learning environment in which everyone is equal and all achievements are celebrated.
We are committed to providing a positive, safe and stimulating environment for children to learn, where they feel valued. We intend that all children should enjoy their learning, achieve their potential and become life-long learners.
We prepare children for their future by enriching them with the knowledge of how to self-regulate, cope with and recognise emotions and build meaningful relationships. Preparing children for the modern world- equipping them with skills such as resilience, problem solving, to be good communicators. Characteristics of effective learning underpins this. Equipping our children with ways to improve or maintain their positive mental health- teaching children to understand and control their emotions.
Our skilled staff team form positive relationships with a fostered approach extending to parents, families and other agencies. All working together so that every child can reach their full potential and to give them the best possible start in life
We have a child centred approach with independence, confidence and encouragement in letting individuals shine. Allowing our children to lead the learning both indoors and outdoors
Diversity is celebrated, valued, shared and supported. Learning from and about each other. We remove any barriers to learning so that children can succeed
We provide a creative curriculum across the seven areas of learning allowing children to develop a curiosity of learning, discovering interests and talents to enable them to explore the awe and wonder of the world
We prepare children for their next steps our staff have the skills and knowledge to ‘fill any gaps’ in the child’s learning- developing the ‘whole’ child. Respecting and extending their cultural capital.
We Learn about society through unique community campus experiences
We aim to make the transition between home, Pre-school and School as easy as possible by fully engaging with parents and carers at every stage of their child’s journey.
We are the start of a child's educational journey.
The Pre-School Centre is open from 8.30am till 5.30pm.
- Our morning session – 8.30am till 1.00pm
- Our afternoon session – 1.00pm till 5.30pm
Please note funding sessions alter in times, please ask the office for more details.
Term dates for 2024-25
We offer three terms adding up to 38 weeks and a summer term of 9 weeks. The Pre-School closes for 3 weeks in December.
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Term 1 | Monday 9 September - Friday 13 December 2024 | 14 weeks |
Term 2 | Monday 6 January 2025 - Friday 4 April 2025 | 13 weeks |
Easter period | Monday 7 April 2025 - Friday 4 April 2025 | (Two weeks) optional booking. (Please note the government funding does not run over the Easter period.) |
Term 3 | Tuesday 22 April 2025 - Friday 4 July 2025 | 11 weeks |
Summer term | Monday 7 July 2025 - Friday 12 September 2025 | 9 weeks |
Sessions and costs for 24/25
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Session | Under twos | Over twos |
Full week | £282.30 | £264.60 |
Daily rate (lunch and snacks included) | £56.46 | £52.92 |
Morning 8.30am - 1.00pm (snacks included) | £30.03 | £28.26 |
Afternoon 1.00 - 5.30pm (snacks included) | £26.43 | £24.66 |
As you may be aware, LCC now refer to the existing 15 hour funding as Universal Funding and refer to the new 30 hour funding as Extended Funding; please find details below on how these funding streams may be used at the Pre-School Centre.
In line with both Universal (existing 15 hour funding) and Extended (new 30 hour funding) the Pre-School offers contracts for a 38 week Term-Time contract and a 11 week non Term–Time contract for all age groups from September 2022. Universal (15 hour) funding, and any agreed Extended (30 hour) funding, can be used in the 38 week term time period only. Sessions booked during non-term time are payable in full.
Booking Universal 15 hour funding only
The existing 15 hour funding is now referred to by LCC as Universal funding and indicated below are the sessions Parents/Carers can use to use the 15 hour funding. Please indicate by placing a U in the sessions where you wish to use your universal 15 hours and if you require a paid lunch.
Booking Universal 15-hour funding and additional paid hours
Please indicate with a P (paid) for any other sessions that you wish your child to attend over and above the 15 funded hours, including early and late sessions and if you require to pay and stay over the lunch-time period with a paid lunch.
Parents/Carers using 15 Universal funding can book a maximum of 15 hours in the following sessions 9.00am – 12.00pm and 1.00pm – 4.00pm. Early and late sessions are not offered for use of universal or extended hours and are paid sessions.
Requesting Extended 30-hour funding
Parents/Carers may be eligible for 30 hour funding (15 Universal plus 15 Extended) and we ask that you use this form to indicate which sessions you would also like consideration to be given to Extended hours by placing an E in sessions for requested use of extended funding. Parents/ Carers should indicate Extended sessions required as well as Universal hours and any relevant paid sessions. Please contact Saskia or Lisa should you require clarification on +44 (0) 1772 892597.
Please ensure all booking forms are returned to the Pre-School in advance of your child taking up the place.
Once your sessions have been confirmed we will issue a Parent Agreement in keeping with LCC requirements.
- If you are attending two and a half days or more, you can claim 15 hours.
- If you are attending one day you can claim six hours.
Fees and payments
- We will require a deposit for your child’s first week’s fees to secure a place; this must be paid one month prior to their start date. The first month’s fees will be reduced by the deposit paid. (This is stated in your child’s confirmation letter).
- All fees are payable upon receipt of invoice by childcare vouchers or card payments. Payment should be received by the University no later than the 7th of each month following the invoice period. The University reserves the right to charge a fee of £25 for late payments. Children may be excluded from the Pre-School Centre if fees remain outstanding beyond 14 days from their due date. Responsibility for paying fees resides with the parents or legal guardians of the child.
- If you are experiencing any financial difficulties regarding the payment of your fees, contact the Pre-School Managers as soon as possible.
- If fees are not paid within 7 days receipt of invoice, a reminder will be sent for immediate payment to be made.
- Any outstanding fees should be payable and settled at the time of withdrawal.
- 4 weeks written notice for termination of contract must be given.
- The Pre-School Centre doesn’t operate any card or cash payments, all payments are to be made through the online store.
- Refunds/deductions will not be given due to sickness or holidays.
- All sessions booked will be charged for if not used – Please notify the Pre-School of holidays dates.
- Please note a late collection of children charge of £20.00 will be added onto your account for late collections after our session’s times have finished.
- Each booking is for the specified term dates, adjustments to sessions can be made with 4 week’s notice if spaces are available.
- If you would like to withdraw your child from the Pre-School Centre, we will require 4 weeks written notice.
- The opening hours and term dates are published on the booking forms
- All sessions booked are charged for even in the event of sicknesses
Sickness and medication
- If your child becomes unwell during the session you will be contacted and if necessary asked to collect your child.
- Children are not allowed to return to the Pre-School Centre until after 48 hours clear from the infection or illness especially sickness or diarrhoea.
- Prescribed medicines will be administered in accordance with the medicine procedure which is available from the Centre’s office.
Safety and security
- The Pre-School staff are instructed not to release your child to anyone other than those listed on the enrolment form or who has been given a password on the day to collect and to persons under the age of 18.
- We will provide you with a 4 digit code to enter the Pre-School – this will be changed each term.
Interruption to provision
The Pre-School Centre reserves the right to suspend the provision of childcare in the event of the following:
- Failure to pay any fees
- Aggressive or unacceptable behaviour by a parent/carer towards any member of staff at the Pre-School Centre.
The University has a complaints procedure which you will receive via email along with the Pre-School Centre’s policies or alternatively there is a main copy in the office.
If you have a complaint please speak to the Pre-School Managers at your earliest opportunity to help resolve any complaints/matters which may have arisen.
Tel: +44 (0) 1772 892597
Address: Pre-School Centre, University of Central Lancashire, Leighton St, Preston, PR1 2HE
Alternatively you can email Deana Ireland or call +44 (0) 1772 892312.
You can also contact OFSTED.
Early Years, OFSTED, Royal Exchange Buildings, Manchester, M2 7LA.
Tel: +44 (0) 300 1231231.
Please view the campus map for details of our location. Our building is found under the initial 'PSC' in the bottom left hand corner of the map.
Our team
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Saskia Gregory |
Lisa Best |
Deputy Managers
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Andrea Wignall |
Early Years Practitioners
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Hannah Bancroft |
Lucy Burdett |
Emma Carberry |
Georgina Fletcher |
Linda Hartley |
Lucie Macmillan |
Colette Nind |
Elizabeth Ronson |
Laura Stanton |
Sandra Vaudrey |
Victoria Wheatman |
Children learn best via first-hand experiences and through using all their senses. Where better to do this than outside?
Real-world learning opportunities enable deeper levels of involvement. This helps with retention of information and gives hands-on opportunities for problem-solving. Children develop their critical thinking.
We provide a beautiful natural outdoor area with endless opportunities for the children. The provision is available all day whatever the weather. The children are able to access the garden anytime as we offer a free flow approach where the door is never closed.
The children wear the right gear for the different seasons. They will put on their own jackets, puddle suits, shoes, or wellington boots in our transition area. This has a huge learning impact.
The children feel free and breathe the fresh air in. They can explore all the wonderful outdoor materials. This includes mud, sticks, leaves, water, grass, plants and many more natural objects. These support their imaginative play and take steps to enhance their creative flair.
Outdoor inspiration is key to children. We use lots of different tools to develop and strengthen their muscles for handwriting. We use brushes, mops, rollers, garden tools, sticks, fabric and more.
Using their outdoor voices is fabulous as they can feel free to sing, shout, play as loud as they like. We love our huge sandpit which becomes a stage and promotes a flourish of language.
At our Pre-School Centre we have a garden with:
- Wooden huts. The children can be imaginative and turn in to anything they would like them to be.
- A huge sandpit. The children can play and feel the sand on their feet.
- A lovely well established willow tunnel. They can charge through or make little dens inside.
- A busy mud kitchen full of vessels, water trough and cooking materials. The children often create different meals which are always a delicious feast for all.
- A quiet with hay bales and blankets where they can sit and recharge or sit and read.
- A hill with a slide sunken in. The hill promotes some risky play where they can run, roll and even ride their bikes down with a helmet on.
- A barked area with logs to maneuverer and sit on, tyres to roll or hop on.
- An area with large loose parts to build, construct and be budding engineers.
- Access to water.
- A separate yard, with a mini kitchen, small loose parts and a little cosy area. They can read or sit and chat to friends.
- Many different bikes and other enhancements to add of the year for outdoor play.
- Lots of places to sit and look up at the sky.
- Trees and lovely plants surround the area to create a neutral inviting environment.
Our outdoor space and learning environment is creative, inspiring and full of nature.
Let’s get learning at home. Learning never stops at any part of the day.
Please see the Lancashire Country Council website for some brilliant ideas for you to choose and try out at home.
Over our academic year, we share ideas of ways to continue the children’s learning at home and how you can help at home.
We have our very own lending library where your children can borrow a book and have a lovely time reading and looking at the pictures. We have story jars that are wonderful at supporting them to chat play and read.
There are many great supportive links online that can give ideas and activities that we share within our newsletters.
The children enjoy linking their learning with nursery and home and its such a valuable experience for them. The children always embrace our ideas and show enthusiasm in having a good go.
We take great pleasure in our parent partnership. We always welcome pictures being sent in for the children to share their home lives and experiences with their Pre-School Family. This enhances their communication and language. It also guides us with our planning to expand their learning further.
Top tips for parents: encouraging effective home learning means making the most of your everyday routine
- Read a bedtime story to your child everyday.
- Involve your child in everyday routines. This could include: putting the washing in the washing machine and switching it on; pegging out the washing; sorting the washing into piles. Throughout these tasks talk to your child. Help them to notice the different sizes, colours, numbers on the dials etc.
- Involve them in making meals, snacks and baking. Food is usually a motivator for children, they should be keen to join in.
- Use travelling times to sing nursery rhymes and play games, such as 'I spy' with your child.
- Explore the local green spaces, parks, gardens, beaches and woodlands. Make collections of interesting seeds, leaves, pebbles etc. You can take photographs of them.
- Bath-time - make a collection of different sized plastic recycled bottles and containers. Use the language of measure with your child.
- Create a space in your garden for your child to grow vegetables, fruit and herbs. If you don't have a garden you can use a window ledge container.
- Involve your child in fixing things. Build their curiosity about how things work.
- Make time for your child to play energetically. Play games with them that involve running and climbing. This could be building an obstacle course out of furniture and items around the house or garden.
- Build your child's communication skills. Encourage them to follow instructions linked to the household chores. Eg, put your socks in your wardrobe; put four plates on the table.
Walk and Talk
Walk and Talk is a new Lancashire campaign to promote the importance of communication and language for our youngest children. The campaign aims to encourage families to go outside and communicate with each other.
We'll be sharing information such as:
- Top tips for communication and language
- Discussion ideas for different places such as the park, the woods and the shops
As the year progresses, we will build up a library of discussion prompts for local places that families can visit. This includes Williamson's Park, Lancaster or Longton Brickcroft. Please see our informative display in the atrium for more information and leaflets to pick up.
Laura, one of Pre-School practitioners, is the lead for our setting with the campaign.
Useful websites for parents with simple and fun activities
BBC Tiny Happy People
Tiny Happy People can help you develop your child's communication skills. Explore simple activities and play ideas, and find out about their amazing early development. Simple, fun, free activities to try at home. This includes short, effective videos.
Easy Peasy App
Easy Peasy is a parent engagement and home learning programme. It improves language and communication skills for children. It also helps parents to support their children through the transition to school. It includes games, simple videos, tips and prompts. These provide useful information about child development.
Parent Zone
We use Parent Zone to share ideas with our parents – ideas for extending our home learning.
We were awarded Outstanding in our most recent Ofsted report (2023). Read the Ofsted report here.
View our 2017 Ofsted report here.
View our Policies below