Freshers Week can be intimidating and worrying. The first thing to remember is that you aren’t alone - I was in this exact situation last year. Not only was I commuting, but I had taken a gap year so I didn't know anyone.
The main thing to remember is that you won’t be the only person in this position and there will be so many other students feeling the same way as you. I started Freshers Week by attending my welcome lectures. These are really helpful, as your lecturer will include activities to help you get to know other people on your course. This is how I found my friends. I asked people questions, got involved in all of the activities and spoke to as many people as possible.

Once I had gotten into a conversation with people, I asked them if they would like to come and see the Freshers stands and activities. After our welcome lecture was over, we headed over to the Freshers Fair. I felt more comfortable as I wasn’t going alone and I was starting to make friends.
Even if you're alone, still go to the Freshers fair because all of the societies are there. The options are endless and all of the societies want to speak to you. Joining a society can be an amazing way to make friends, as you share the same interests and can bond over that topic. There's truly every society you can think of such as animal aspirations, chess, video games, K-pop and so many more.

Freshers has so many events, so pick and choose what works for you and don’t feel pressured to attend every single one. I know this can be especially hard as a commuter student. Make the most of the days you are on-campus, but don't feel like you have to come in every day.
The University also have a Freshers Facebook group which is worth joining, as you can see what events are on and chat to people. There are lots of nights out all over Preston and you can pre buy tickets. Don’t be afraid of going on your own, as you can meet and talk to people on the night.
My main advice would be to step out of your comfort zone and remember so many other people have been in your position. Don't worry about commuting, as there will be plenty of chances to socialise when you are on-campus. Just try to plan things for the days that you're in and add people on social media.
While starting university is nerve-wracking, it is the beginning of some of the best years of your life. The university is here to support you and provide help whenever you need it.
Where next?
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Making friends at university