We think it's important that our students get the chance to have practical experience whilst studying at university. We've developed a partnership that lets our final year MEng/BEng Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies students fly a real plane first hand.
We've partnered with the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) and the BAE Flying Club at Blackpool Airport to make this possible.
Seeing a flight from the cockpit, including the interaction with air traffic control, gives our students a fresh perspective on aviation.

Before taking off, each student went through a detailed classroom-based safety session, covering:
- How to safely move around the hangar and ramp.
- The correct conduct inside the aircraft.
- The basics of aircraft control, such as take-off, climbing, turning, descending, and landing.
- They primary and secondary effects of the controls – like the elevator, aileron, and rudder – as well as power management, use of flaps, and the importance of trimming.
- Slow flight characteristics and stall recovery.

They used two Piper PA28-161 Warriors, with an instructor and three students per aircraft. Each student got about 20 minutes of actual flight time, sitting in the captain's seat, with two others observing from the back. The flights were structured so that each student had a turn at the controls, swapping places after each flight.

Giving our students the chance to fly a real plane is an amazing way to learn the practical skills needed for their future careers. It offers a unique perspective on aviation that can't be replicated in a classroom or simulator.