Suzanne's experience working in AQU

Suzanne Juniper works as an AQU Business Partner and EDI Lead in the Academic Quality Unit

Meet Suzanne

Suzanne has worked at UCLan for over 20 years. After being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis whilst on maternity leave, she found it difficult to disclose this at work. She got all the support she needed and encourages others to share any disability so they can get the support they need too.

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Admitting you have a disability isn’t always easy, so it is pleasing to see that UCLan formally commits to embracing differences and promoting an inclusive culture though the ‘Belonging at UCLan’ strategy. I would encourage colleagues to disclose their disability and to engage in the support that is available to them.
Suzanne Juniper UCLan staff member in shared space.
Suzanne Juniper
AQU Business Partner and EDI Lead Academic Quality Unit

“Having worked at UCLan for more than 20 years, I have seen many changes. In that time, my roles have changed but I have also changed. After a serious illness, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis whilst on maternity leave, which I found difficult to admit at work for some time. I didn’t want to appear different as I thought that I would be judged by others and viewed as not able to undertake my role. When I finally did, it felt good to have the support of colleagues and, when I explained how my illness affected me, their understanding."

Suzanne Juniper
Suzanne Juniper

"A meeting with Occupational Health is useful to be able to clearly set out what support or adjustments you may need for the benefit of yourself and your line manager. Flexible and hybrid working together with priority parking have really helped me. I also feel it’s important to provide feedback about where improvements can be made in university life, using your own lived experience. Being part of the various staff networks are a great way of being able to do this as you can provide feedback on various aspects from university strategies to proposed building works.”