As a teenager, Dean Hardy was told not to pursue a career in medicine as it would be extremely difficult, but this motivated him further and he signed up to study the MBBS at the University of Central Lancashire.
Dean knew he wanted to pursue a career in medicine and surgery after completing his first degree, a BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science, and he was happy to find that UCLan offered widening participation support to help people from less advantaged backgrounds pursue this kind of career. With the help provided by UCLan, Dean found the degree in Medicine and Surgery (MBBS), which included topics such as early patient contact, clinical skills from year one, and placements in every speciality.
Dean was impressed with the range of fantastic student support, which is important when choosing to study medicine as it can be “extremely challenging, time consuming and mentally draining”. Having that support from the University, whether it was physical, academic, personal, or financial, was essential to Dean as he undertook the five-year course.
After graduating, Dean secured his first-choice job at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust. He also completed his foundation year one doctor training as well as completing four months of breast and general surgery alongside emergency medicine and gastroenterology.
"UCLan essentially equipped me with all the communication, clinical and theoretical knowledge for a career as a doctor, and it certainly shined through."
— Dean Hardy, Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) graduate
Dean now has a full registration and licence to practice medicine as a doctor and is currently working as Foundation Year Two (FY2) Doctor/Senior House Officer Doctor (SHO), whilst undertaking his FY2 training. His duties consist of working in obstetrics and gynaecology, assisting women with chronic gynaecology or urgent gynaecology pathology, C-sections, forceps and obstetric pathologies, along with working in the post-natal ward. Dean also works in general practice dealing with patients with chronic conditions, as well as in neonatal medicine looking after acutely unwell or prematurely new-born babies.
When looking back at his time at UCLan, Dean recalls many happy memories. He said: “One of the last memories I will remember is walking out of our final year practical exam (OSCEs). The relief, yet sadness of knowing that was it, created many mixed emotions. The graduation ceremony was incredible. It was a bittersweet moment saying goodbye to staff and colleagues who have stuck by you for five years.”
Since graduating, Dean has found himself in countless scenarios whereby he has positively impacted patients and their families lives. He said: “Knowing I have prevented a patient from dying, saved a life, or prolonged the life some way, is by far my greatest achievement.” Alongside this, Dean is also proud to have been nominated for the ELHT (East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust) Star Awards, in addition to writing multiple papers on things such as subarachnoid haemorrhages in emergency medicine and looking at post-operative care in gynaecology.
Dean is grateful for his time at University, describing his degree as the perfect preparation “to deal with any scenario as a doctor”. Dean continues: “I have been in multiple emergency scenarios, particularly during night shifts on-call, where I have initially been he only doctor managing a life-threatening situation. UCLan prepared me well for this and I have been able to deal with them all confidently and effectively.”
If Dean had any advice for MBBS prospective students and graduates, it would be to “get experience from young by volunteering, and make sure you are organised in knowing what each medical school want from you when you apply. Do not be afraid to ask for senior help. Become best friends with all the nurses as they will save your job, especially during the early days.” Dean lastly adds: “Do not give up on your dream, and do not let people tell you that you cannot be a doctor. If studying medicine is something you want to do, you must be willing to dedicate your life to learning and helping others.”

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Medicine & Surgery, MBBS
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