Rachel Norris
Rachel teaches on a variety of subjects for our Physician Associate Programmes. With a particular interest in general hospital medicine, clinical skills and simulation. Rachel also leads on the clinical placements for Physician Associate students across both Preston and Westlakes campuses.
Rachel teaches and supports Physician Associate students on both the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. She is also working closely with the General Medical Council towards statutory regulation for the profession and programme accreditation.
Rachel qualified as a Physician Associate from one of the UK pilot programmes over 10 years ago. She has clinical experience in acute medicine, cardiology and elderly care, and has an interest in adult hospital medicine. She has worked with many Physician Associate Programmes over the years and has been involved in teaching in both the clinical and academic environments. She particularly enjoys working with Physician Associate students and helping them reach their potential.
- Member of the Royal College of Physicians, Faculty of Physician Associates
Email: Email:Rachel Norris