Professor Maree Hackett

Maree is a Professor in Epidemiology at UCLan and is Program Head, Mental Health at The George Institute for Global Health, University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, focusing on developing simple, cost effective strategies to prevent depression and significantly improve the outcome for people with chronic disease. This is in concordance with her current National Health and Medical Research Council Career Development Fellowship (Level 2) Improving the identification, management and outcome of people with depression and other chronic diseases.
Professor Hackett’s seminal research on the frequency, predictors of and management strategies for post stroke depression, provide the single most important source informing international clinical guidelines for post stroke depression. She is the psychology working group lead for the Stroke Foundation, Australasian Living Stroke Guidelines.
Professor Hackett is co-principal investigator on the NHMRC-funded AFFINITY trial, and co-investigator on the government-funded sister trials FOCUS (UK), and EFFECTS trials (Sweden); collaboratively recruiting 5907 participants in Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, the UK and Sweden to determine the efficacy of fluoxetine in improving functional recovery after acute stroke. Professor Hackett is a co-investigator on the NIHR-funded Global Health Research Group on Improving Stroke Care in India (IMPROVISE) study which focuses on improving in-hospital care post stroke and the associated NIHR-funded IMPROVIS-ATION study to explore the potential for providing post-stroke psychosocial support in India. Prof Hackett was the chief investigator on the NHMRC-funded 'Getting it Right’ study validating a culturally adapted screening tool for depression for use with and by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples, the adapted patient health questionnaire (aPHQ-9), with 500 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander participants, from 10 urban, rural and remote primary health care services in 6 States and Territories in Australia. Results were presented to and discussed with participating communities and published in the Medical Journal of Australia. She was chief investigator on the NHMRC-funded ‘HeadPoST’ international, cluster randomised clinical trial designed to resolve uncertainty over the optimum head position in acute stroke, involving 110 hospitals in 9 countries which recruited >11,000 participants. The results were published in the New England Journal of Medicine, 2017. She also led the NHMRC-funded ‘Psychosocial Outcomes in Stroke (POISE)’ study (2008-12, n=441) conducted across 21 stroke units in New South Wales to completion with seven publications to date.
- PhD Medicine, the University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2006
- MA (Hons) Psychology, the University of Auckland, New Zealand 1994
- BA Psychology & English, the University of Auckland, New Zealand, 1992
- National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
- Career Development Fellowship, Population Health (Level 2), APP1141328 (2018-2021)
- Improving the identification, management and outcome of people with depression and other chronic diseases
- The George Institute for Global Health
- ‘Humanitarian commitment’ peer award for ‘someone who is exceptionally committed to helping vulnerable populations worldwide’
- Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association – SUPRA
- Supervisor of the year award, Faculty of Medicine
- National Heart Foundation
- Future Leader Fellowship, Level 2 100034 (2014-2017)
- Improving the identification and management of depression in people with cardiovascular disease
- NHMRC Career Development Fellowship, Population Health (Level 1), APP632925 (2010-2013)
- The prevention and management of depression in people with vascular disease
- NHMRC Public Health (Australia) Fellowship APP402849 (2006-09)
- Strategies to reduce the impact of vascular depression
- The University of Auckland, New Zealand
- Senior Health Research Scholarship (2003-05)
- Scholarship towards completion of Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine)
- Global Mental Health
- Depression
- Stroke
- Chronic disease
- Non-communicable disease
- Fellow of the European Stroke Organisation
Use the links below to view their profiles:
- Global Health Research, NIHR 16/137/16, 2020-2021
- Macular Degeneration Research Grant, Estate of the late Peter Anthony John Vild 2019
- UNSW Seed Funding Scheme: Mental Health and Wellbeing – early intervention and prevention (older people) 2019
- NHMRC Career Development Fellowship, Population Health (Level 2), 2018-2021
Email: Email:Professor Maree Hackett
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