Dr Javad Yazdani

Dr Yazdani teaches across a range of engineering subjects. He is the course lead for the MSc in Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards and MSc Nuclear Science and Technology for Nuclear Technology Education Consortium (NTEC) (Manchester University). He is research active and involved in a range of research in energy, engineering and security.
Dr Yazdani’s PhD research in ubiquitous Power Line Communication (PLC) began at Lancaster University in 1995, his niche research area is well known internationally for the excellence of his research and he has presented his research findings at international conferences all over the world and attracted research funding from EPSRC, QinetiQ, NORWEB PLC. Dr Yazdani’s research into the concept of transmission over electrical networks has since marked a turn towards the utilisation of powerline for Smart Grid and Smart Cities. It offers critical energy control for intelligent networking technology. Dr Yazdani has published a wide range of, papers in peer reviewed journals, conference proceedings and book chapters, with a considerable number of citations (CLoK).
The core aim of this research contributes to the security of Smart Grid, Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Cities, explores socio-technical approach to cyber security network and cyber resilience. It offers sensory IoT for smart in building networks communicating with smart city connectivity through hybrid use of PLC, “wired and wireless” enabling a large array of sensors networks. 5G Vehicular communication networks and fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0") are also areas of research focus and interest for new funding.
Dr Yazdani joined UCLan in 2009 and during his tenure has offered research informed teaching on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes for Energy, Electronics, Electrical and Mechanical streams that also include a PG apprenticeship scheme; it covers “Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards, Nuclear Decommissioning and application of Mechatronics teaching Robots for remote size reduction of gloveboxes, remote waste for Beta /Gamma cell decommissioning. Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Renewable Energy, Project Management, Research methods for Engineering Projects, Engineering Professionalism, Control Engineering, Digital Communications and Industry 4.0.” Dr Yazdani’s teaching is pivotal for Energy and Engineering programmes supervising undergraduate and postgraduate research with considerable industrial skills, leadership and management gained from working at Lancaster University and UCLan. Dr Yazdani is skilled and committed educator with a passion for leadership in research, complemented with industrial experience and a portfolio of development of postgraduate engineering courses for Energy Sustainability and Nuclear both within the UK, and with UCLan International partnership programmes in Oman.
Dr Yazdani played an essential role as the head of UCLan nuclear programmes 2009-2014 at the UCLan Westlake’s Campus at the Science and Technology Park in West Cumbria with nuclear industries and partner nuclear colleges (Lakes College, GenII, Bridgwater, Coleg Menai, Blackpool and Fylde, Hartlepool, and Hastings) supporting undergraduate portfolio of all programmes for UCLan Nuclear.
Dr Yazdani began his career studying Marine Engineering at the South Shields and Glasgow Marine and Technical colleges with British Petroleum (BP) rising through ranks to chief engineer officer status. Javad worked for National Nuclear Corporation (NNC) as a senior commissioning engineer at Heysham II Nuclear Power Station. Rolls Royce Nuclear Engineering where he was on secondment to British Energy at Heysham II Nuclear Power Station, British Nuclear Fuel Limited (BNFL) at Sellafield’s commissioning “Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant” (THORP) and on “Magnox Encapsulation Plant” (EP1) and Filtration Plants, as well as Heysham I Nuclear Power Station commissioning “Vertical Nuclear Fuel Built Facility”.
Dr Yazdani completed his studies at Lancaster University where he was awarded a PhD in Digital Communications Systems researching in “High Frequency Digital Power Line Transmission for Terrestrial and Marine Networks”, MSc in Digital Signal Processing and BEng and MEng Honours degrees in Mechatronics Engineering.
Area of Interest/Expertise
- Energy
- Nuclear Security for Protection of Nuclear Industry
- Cybersecurity for UK Civil Nuclear and sensitive sites
- IoT for Smart Cities networks and its application to industry 4.0
- Advanced Security Issues of IoT Based 5G Plus Wireless Communication for Industry 4.0 ( Book Chapter Published)
- Socio Technical approach to Cybersecurity and Cyber resilience
- SCADA systems with embedded Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0") and its applications
- 5G-Based Vehicular Communication Network, (Book Chapter Published)
- Vision of Smart Cities, making use of advanced, big data
External Affiliations / Memberships
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
- Member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (MIET)
- Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE)
Reviewer and Internal and External PhD Examiner
A reviewer for several prestigious academic journals:
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC)
- IEEE Power Engineering Society IET
- IEEE International Symposium for Power Line Communication
- IEEE Innovations Europe Smart Grid Technology
- EPSRC Peer Review College for SMART Nuclear Safety for Sustainable Future Energy
- External Examiner for PhD thesis
- Internal Examiner for PhD thesis
- External Panel member and advisor for Accreditation and Validation of Engineering and Computer Science programmes Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes by the IET for Northampton University
- External Panel member and advisor for Validation of Engineering and Computer Science Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes for Huddersfield
Book Review
Engineering & Environmental Sciences | CRC Press | Taylor & Francis Group,
- www.crcpress.com, Nuclear Reactor Physics, 2015
- Wiley.com, Smart Grid, 2016
- Wiley.com, Power line communication 2016
Member of
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Lead for the School of Engineering and Computing
- Disability Lead for the School of Engineering and Computing
- BAME member representing the School of Engineering and Computing
- Member of Athena Swan team for the School of Engineering and Computing
- Member of University Review Panel (URP) since 2010
- Member of the Creative Community Group Lancashire MCCG
- Member of the Board of Governors for Lancaster and Morecambe College. Morecambe Lancashire. 2011-2019.
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion member of advisory board for Northern Power,
in an EPSRC project which is funded under the Northern Power Inclusion Matters scheme which is network to foster EDI in the EPSRC domain and more broadly under the consortium of nine Universities and six Industrial Partners, is to shape an actively inclusive culture in the Engineering and Physical Sciences (EPS) community that supports, drives and sustains greater equality for all, including traditionally under-represented groups (e.g., women, disabled people, LGBT+, and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) researchers).
- Standardisation, EMC and Power-Line Networking 10th IEEE International Symposium on Power Line communication and its applications, Florida, USA, 26th-28th March 2006.
- Invited External Expert delivered series of Lectures in Power Line Communications and Smart Grid technology in Beijing and Shanghai, August 2010 paid and supported by the Chines government.
Knowledge Transfer and Consultancy
- Modelling Sub-Sea Umbilical for Power Line Communications, Project Number ELIHE-2004-JYKS March 2004-April 2005 Blackburn
- Project Number ELIHE-2004-JYKS March 2004-April 2005 Blackburn
- COST 262 Spread spectrum Systems and Techniques in Wireless and wired Communications. December 2002 Lancaster University
- Digital Power Line (DPL) Telecommunications for Marine Applications (UC) QinetiQ/FST/CMT/TR022034/1.0
- 2002 PhD Digital Communication Systems, Lancaster University
- 1996 MSc Digital Signal Processing, Lancaster University
- 1991 BEng/MEng (Honours) Mechatronics, Lancaster University
- 2008 PGCE in Higher Education UCLan
Application of Space Time diversity/coding to power line communication systems Publication date 12/2001(patent applicant inventor Patent Number 0130043.
Use the links below to view their profiles:
- Engineering
- SMART Material
- Cybersecurity and Socio Technical Application
- 1998 EPSRC Powerline Research Lancaster University
- 2000 QinetiQ MOD Lancaster University
- 2001 NORWEB DPL Lancaster University
- 2003 EPSRC Lancaster University
- 2009 HLSP “Development of Postgraduate qualifications in nuclear safety case” Higher-Level Skills Partnership award – NWUA (ultimately NWDA) UCLan
- 2009 “Working Higher Consortium partner” – COGENT/HEA (ultimately HEFCE)
Telephone:+44 (0)1772 892685
Email: Email:Dr Javad Yazdani
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