Victoria's current research explores nutrition and social interventions to reduce the prevalence of small for gestational age (SGA) babies and biofortification strategies to reduce zinc deficiency in Pakistan. Together with Rafael Pérez-Escamilla, Professor of Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health, Victoria edits the open access international and interdisciplinary journal Maternal & Child Nutrition (Wiley) - Impact factor 3.305; ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 35/87 (Nutrition & Dietetics) 14/125 (Paediatrics). Online ISSN:1740-8709. She is course leader for the Professional Doctorate in Health and External Examiner for the Professional Doctorate in Health and Social Care as Anglia Ruskin University.
Victoria has worked at the University of Central Lancashire since 1998, first as a postdoctoral researcher and then as a lecturer before becoming a Reader in 2013. She has published over 50 peer reviewed research articles, spoken widely at international conferences, edited 4 books and contributed several book chapters in key nutrition texts. Victoria acted as a DH expert panel reviewer for NICE public health guidance for midwives, health visitors, pharmacists and other primary care services to improve the nutrition of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers and children in low income households (PH11)