Dr Alison Doherty

Alison Doherty is the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North West Coast (ARC NWC) Methodological Innovation, Development, Adaptation & Support (MIDAS) Theme Manager and Research Fellow based in the Applied Health Research Hub, Faculty of Health & Care, UCLan. Alison obtained her PhD in 2018 from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCLan with funding from the National Institute for Health Research, Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Care Research, North West Coast (NIHR CLAHRC NWC). Alison’s research includes evidence-synthesis, qualitative research, health inequalities, weight management, and working with vulnerable communities.
Alison Doherty is based within the Synthesis, Economic Evaluation and Decision Science (SEEDS) Group, Applied Health Research Hub, UCLan. She plays a key role in the development and delivery of the applied healthcare activities of the NIHR ARC NWC Methodological Innovation, Development, Adaptation and Support (MIDAS) Theme, which is led by Professor Andy Clegg.
Alison collaborates with academics, health and social care professionals and public advisers on developing a range of applied health and social care research ideas and on the subsequent design, development, delivery of project plans. She manages and monitors the work of the MIDAS Theme including its programme of research, training / support requirements, development of collaborative networks, and dissemination of its work.
Alison is involved in co-producing prioritised evidence syntheses on behalf of the ARC NWC and is a lead author on publications investigating issues such as polypharmacy, multi-morbidities and deprescribing in primary care; and the barriers and facilitators to accessing and utilising healthcare experienced by people with intellectual disabilities.
Alison has over 20 years’ previous experience of working in the public sector on various local authority and partnership programmes and projects in the fields of public health, health promotion, health inequalities, crime prevention, community safety and cohesion.
Qualifications: · Ph.D. `The Tailoring and Implementation of Evidence-Based Multi-Component Weight Management Interventions for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities who are Obese: A Whole Systems Approach.’ University of Central Lancashire, 2018. · MBA (Distinction), University of Chester, 2005. · MA Sociology & Social Studies (Women’s Studies ), University of Liverpool, 1994. · BA (Hons), (First Class), Health Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 1991.
Recent grants awarded: (2020/21) £99,995 NIHR Evidence Synthesis Programme Grants Programme: Service delivery interventions for people with epilepsy and for people with epilepsy and intellectual disability (Series of Cochrane Reviews) (Co-Applicant)
(2019) £7,417.00 NIHR ARC NWC Deprescribing inappropriate medications in people with learning disabilities, autism or both (Lead Applicant) (2018) £22,892.00 The Lancashire Research Institute for Global Health & Wellbeing (LIFE) Improving access to primary health care for people with autism and learning disabilities. (IAMPAL) (Co-Applicant)
Other: 6th International FHWB Research with Impact Conference 18th Feb 2020, poster award. NW Coast Research & Innovation Awards, Finalist 2017. · 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) University of Central Lancashire, Finalist, 2017. · NIHR Doctoral Training Camp, Winning Team, 2015.
Departmental activity: Member of the Early Career Researchers’ Forum.
- NIHR ARC NWC MIDAS Theme Manager
- PhD, The Tailoring and Implementation of Evidence-Based Multi-Component Weight Management Interventions for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities who are Obese: A Whole Systems Approach. University of Central Lancashire, 2018
- MBA (Distinction), University of Chester, 2005
- MA Sociology & Social Studies (Women’s Studies), University of Liverpool, 1994
- BA(Hons) (First Class) Health Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 1991
- 6th International FHWB Research with Impact Conference (poster award), 18th Feb 2020
- NW Coast Research & Innovation Awards, Finalist, 2017
- 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) University of Central Lancashire, Finalist, 2017
- NIHR (National) Doctoral Training Camp, Winning Team, 2015
- Merseyside Police Commendation, 1999
- Evidence-synthesis
- Qualitative research
- Health implementation science
- Health inequalities
- Obesity
- Weight management and co-produced research with vulnerable communities
- The Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC)
- The International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSID)
Alison's PhD related work has been cited in the NIHR's Themed Review for Better Health Care for All.
Research activities:
- Evidence synthesis including systematic reviews
- Development and delivery of applied healthcare research proposals and projects
- Conducting co-produced qualitative healthcare research with communities of interest groups
- Taggart, L., Doherty, A.J., Chauhan, U. and Hassiotis, A. (2021), An exploration of lifestyle/obesity programmes for adults with intellectual disabilities through a realist lens: Impact of a ‘context, mechanism and outcome’ evaluation. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil, 34: 578-593.
- Doherty AJ, Atherton H, Boland P, Hastings R, Hives L, Hood K, James-Jenkinson L, Leavey R, Randell E, Reed J, Taggart L, Wilson N, Chauhan U. (2020) Barriers and facilitators to primary health care for people with intellectual disabilities and / or autism: an integrative review. BJGP Open. DOI: 10.3399/bjgpopen20X101030
- Lambert, A.K., Doherty, A.J., Wilson, N., Chauhan, U., Mahadevan, D., (2020) GP perceptions of community-based children’s mental health services in Pennine Lancashire: a qualitative study. BJGP Open.
Use the links below to view their profiles:
- COVID-19 related systematic reviews
- Comorbidities & epilepsy related reviews
- Cochrane: Epilepsy & learning disabilities systematic reviews
- Polypharmacy, multimorbidities and deprescribing related research
- Health inequalities / health equity related research
- Home-based interventions to prevent fall-related accidents and injuries in people with a learning disability (Hope-LD) Funding source: LIFE programme, UCLan. Project exploring falls risk factors and falls-prevention interventions for people with learning (intellectual) disabilities, 2022-23. Research Grant £11,928.
- NIHR Evidence Synthesis Programme Grants Programme: Service delivery interventions for people with epilepsy and for people with epilepsy and intellectual disability (Series of Cochrane Reviews) (Co-Applicant), 2020/21. Research Grant £99,995.
- NIHR ARC NWC, 2019. Research Grant £7,417.00
- The Lancashire Research Institute for Global Health & Wellbeing (LIFE), 2018. Research Grant £22,892.00
- The Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC) Conference, 28th and 29th November 2019
- World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 6th-9th August 2019
- The Royal College of Psychiatrists Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual Scientific Conference, 26-27th September 2019
- NHS England Good Practice Event, February 2019
- Joint Research Awayday, University of Central Lancashire, 27th November 2018
Telephone:+44(0)1722 893771
Email: Email:Dr Alison Doherty
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