Learning and teaching is at the heart of our mission to transform lives and enable people to achieve their full potential. That’s why we combine academic excellence with real-world learning, giving our students the skills and experience that industry needs.
To achieve this, we’ll:
- Learn from the Covid-19 pandemic and build on our strength in digital excellence to become a market leader in this new era of flexible learning.
- Ensure an efficient and effective course portfolio, structured for best possible delivery, with positive metrics that will ensure we achieve our league-table aspirations. We’ll continually review, adjust, and enhance our portfolio. In-year early-warning proxy indicators and our industry connections will help inform swift decisions.
- Implement the Curriculum Framework so every course embodies our shared characteristics, such as sustainability and green skills, digital literacy, wellbeing, and interdisciplinary experiences. This will endow our graduates with the attributes they need to succeed in a changing, complex, globalised world.
- Ensure excellent teaching. We’ll become more widely recognised for our exceptional teaching, and we’ll develop and encourage our staff to become world-leading, cutting-edge, and inspiring educators.
- Encourage, share, and embed innovation and good practice. We’ll become a beacon for innovation, making possible new approaches to learning and teaching, discovering new markets, and embracing new technology. In the spirit of continual improvement, we’ll nurture our community of best practice, discovering, sharing and embedding what we learn.
Key performance indicators
- The NSS: Average score across all questions
- Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) award