Institute for Research into Organisations, Work and Employment (iROWE)

Institute for Business, Enterprise and Organisational Impact

iROWE aims to engage with stakeholders to help build a fair and equitable future of work.

Student Working Lives

In our new report, "Student Working Lives," we've examined the rise in students' part-time working hours. We've also considered the quality of work undertaken alongside their studies and how it affects certain groups. We've also outlined recommendations for policymakers and universities. These recommendations aim to help students balance their lives amidst a cost-of-living crisis.

Download the report

Conflict management in the workplace

Gill Dix, previously Head of Workplace Policy for Acas, now working in research development at Warwick Institute for Employment Research, talks about Acas’s conflict management research programme including iROWE’s latest project. The project led by Professor Richard Saundry, University of Westminster, alongside iROWE, into a conflict management programme introduced by East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, highlights the benefits of internal workplace mediation and the potential of a structured approach to early conflict resolution.  It also highlights the issues that need to be considered if implemented in other organisations to maximise the impact of an early resolution policy.

Find out more about conflict management

Better People Management

Research informed, industry engaged training that has been designed to enhance the management skills in Lancashire. We can help your business to enhance your management capacity and capability, enabling you to make changes that will promote productivity, health and wellbeing within your workforce. If you are interested in CPD and would like to discuss your development needs and the opportunities available, contact our Business Development Manager, Charlotte Duffell.

Enquire about development opportunities

Our institute conducts and disseminates high quality research and engages with key organisations such as the TUC, ISBE, CIPD, ACAS, the RSA and local Government to inform the development of effective workplace practice and employment policy.

Current iROWE projects

The Work in Lancashire report

The “Work in Lancashire: Understanding Job Quality and Productivity in the Region” report, surveyed a cross section of over 200 workers across Lancashire from a range of industries and sectors.

Download your copy

Contact us:

General enquiries:

Tel: +44 (0)1772 894537


Director: Dr. Adrian Wright

Dr Adrian Wright
Associate Dean
Mary Lawler
Research Assistant
Dr Douglas Martin
Senior Lecturer
Dr Gemma Wibberley
Research Fellow
Louise McArdle
Head of School of Management
Claire Ashworth
Senior Lecturer
Dr Clare Mumford
Research Associate
Penny Davis