The Vice-Chancellor is the principal academic and administrative officer of the University and is responsible to the Chairman of the Governors.
As Vice-Chancellor, Graham is responsible for the leadership and management of the University within the principles laid down by the Board of Governors, of which he is an ex-officio member. Graham is supported by the Vice-Chancellor's Group, which includes the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, the Chief Officers and the Pro Vice-Chancellors.

George joined us in February 2018 as Interim Deputy Finance Director (FP&A) and was recruited as Chief Finance Officer in December 2019. He is responsible for strategic leadership over the University’s financial management ensuring its financial sustainability.

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Operations) is a key role in the University’s Senior Leadership, supporting the Vice-Chancellor in the leadership, management and effective operation of the University.
Ruth’s portfolio responsibilities cover a range of professional services, and she has led the development of the new University Strategic Plan to enhance both the academic and business-related performance across the institution. Ruth is Vice-President International and Academic Registrar.

Professor Janice Allan joined us as Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Leadership) in April 2024. Prior to that, Janice served as the Dean of Salford Business School between 2019 and 2024 where she led on a significant expansion project, the development of a new vision and mission, and the embedding of a digital-first approach to education and the curricula. Janice came to the Business School having served several years as Associate Dean for Assurance and Enhancement in Salford’s School of Arts, Media and Creative Technology.

Professor Crean was appointed as Pro Vice-Chancellor Research and Enterprise in December 2019, having been Pro Vice-Chancellor for Clinical, Health and Research since July 2017. He previously served us in a number of senior academic roles including Executive Dean of the Faculty of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences, Director of Dental Research and Knowledge Transfer, and Dean of the School of Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education.

Professor Cathy Jackson was appointed as Pro Vice Chancellor Academic Leadership (interim) in September 2023. Prior to this, she had been Executive Dean of the Faculty of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences and was the Founding Head of the Medical School joining us in 2014 to set up the medical school at that time and led the team through to full accreditation of the program by the General Medical Council.

Ian joined us in September 2014. Prior to his appointment, Ian was the County Secretary and Solicitor at Lancashire County Council. In addition to being the Chief Legal and Governance Adviser to the County Council, Ian also played a major role in creating and supporting a wide range of partnerships and joint ventures including a number of limited companies such as the Lancashire Economic Partnership, Lancashire County Enterprise Limited and Marketing Lancashire.

Professor Andrew Ireland is the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Students and Teaching), providing strategic leadership across the organisation in the areas of student experience, teaching excellence, curriculum design, student support services, equality, diversion and inclusion and academic quality assurance.

Ken joined us in August 2016. He is responsible for ensuring that we offer a professional, flexible and innovative Human Resources function with responsibility for staff recruitment, administration, engagement and development.