Contact us

If you have a query, question or concern you can get in contact with us using the contact details below.

Prospective student enquiries

Our prospective student enquiries team are happy to answer any questions you may have about studying with us - from general information, open day events and more.

Accommodation enquiries

We look forward to welcoming you to your new home here, if you have any questions about your accommodation, let us know.

Current student enquiries

If you're already a student with us and have an enquiry, please visit the Student Hub. You'll be able to find the contacted details of all our dedicated teams.

General enquiries

If you are an external supplier, business, University partner or you have a general enquiry, please use our general enquiries contact form, or call us on: +44 (0)1772 201201

Our postal address is:

University of Central Lancashire

Travel information for our campuses